Out of Service! Sideways Steering! Nissan Pathfinder 3.3 VG33E

Look, it has finally arrived and Troy put it in inventory. Good man brother, good man. parts are here. That's right.

We're back to the Nissan Pathfinder with the sideways steering wheel that becomes on Sideways after you make a right turn and the first diagnostic episode of this particular Pathfinder We found that a fluid leak was causing a massive deterioration event at the bushings stockings the engine at the bushings for the power steering gear. and when you would make a left-hand turn, the steering wheel would rest in this position. When you would make a right hand turn, the steering wheel would rest in this position and all that happened right at 275 109 miles on the odometer. So anyway, this video is part two of this: Nissan Pathfinder I'm going to swing it into the rack.

there. we're going to get it up in the air, pull this front, uh, steering out of this unit, replace the leaking steering gear, replace the bushings, fix the leaking hose, fill it back up, and then send it on its way for a wheel alignment. So stay tuned because this is going to be a very good video opening. Z Hood Thank you! Alrighty, so I have decided to back this in because it's really hot in that corner of the building and there's lower airflow and I don't feel like sweating for the next three hours.

so we're just going to do this in the reverse position on the rack. Oh silly me I forgot, hello, hello everybody. Good day to you! Welcome back! Glad you guys are here. Powering down all right? Let's get this thing set up on the rack and get started.

but before we do that, I must pop in Z Hood So uh, it's been a few days. uh, since we had the Part One of the steering Citron steering system situation. Say that five times fast. it's been a few days and uh, if you happen to miss that first video or would like to re-watch it for a refresher, uh, please, just check the links down inside this video's description and at the pin comment and it will take you back in time to the Part One diagnosis video on our Nissan Pathfinder All right.

So now that all that Shameless self-promotion is out of the way, let's get this thing raised up black subscribe button. the rack is set. Check our lift points real quick looking good looking good I am satisfied with this all the way up and Hood up there we go. Crop Rod Engaged Good secure, continuing journey in the upwards Direction All right so we're down below.

A little bit of a refresher on what we saw in the first episode. You see there's some fluid leaking down from the back of the power steering pump. There's some fluid leaking out of the steering gear seals at the driver's side of the rack and over here at the passenger side of the rack. Now, what has happened? Is that, uh, that petroleum oil has deteriorated the bushings that secure the rack to the frame? See that up.

Yeah, there's a piece pushing gravity. There it is. Hey, look at that. It's not.

okay. So what's happening is when the vehicle turns, that rack is Shifting side to side and flip-flopping about. Well, we're gonna go ahead and pull this out. We're gonna replace the rack with a new one due to the leaks.
We're gonna fix up the hose where that leak is and we're going to put new bushings and uh, new tie rods. And then we're gonna send this thing off for an alignment. So first things first. let's get the wheels pulled off and get this thing apart.

Alrighty, we're at the right front wheel. pop the hubcap out and we can get these wheels off. Humans. I'm out.

Foreign. There we go. Alrighty. So while we're here, let's go ahead and get this tie rod removed from the steering knuckle.

We've got one castle nut, this little cotter pin right here. Pull the pin out, unbolt it, and remove. Let's lose tonight. All right, let's squeeze in here real quick with a tie rod puller.

We'll pop this guy out of the steering knuckle. I Could hit it with a hammer, but today I feel like using the puller so that's what I will do. Got it? That was scary? Alrighty, let's go ahead and roll on over to the other side. Hello wife unit.

Let's go over here to this other side and get this one removed. Next, foreign procedure has to happen here. We lose our cotter pin. Get that guy out of there if they're rusted or if they break, it is of no matter because they really shouldn't be removed anyway or reused anyway.

Excuse me? I Can mix wrong size twice? It's a charm. All right there we go. Let's get our puller on there and in position here, darling. Will you hand me that little red gun? Yes, Thanks to you Scary Again, a jump every time.

Alrighty, now that the easy part's over with, let's move on in a little bit towards the center. Here we can see there's uh, some support bracket structure right here in front of this cross member. I'm gonna go ahead and unbolt all this stuff. I think I've got to unbolt the sway bar and its brackets right here.

and at that point I can get to the bolts for the straps. we can take the steering gear off right above us or the steering shaft rather. and then we'll try to get this thing removed. So it looks like this bracket thing up here has got four fasteners.

Pull these guys out here. It comes all right. Well, so far it looks like the sway bar is in my way next. So I've got two bolts here on this big bracket and two right here.

same four on the other side. So let's get uh, those guys removed or not not enough torqueages here. Let's uh, let's try that with a fresh battery? Nope. Nope.

Nope. Perhaps with no extension? Let's try that There we go. See extensions Do eat up torque, but only on impact. It will not eat up torque if you're just applying torque for the wrench.

That's where the confusion comes in. That's uh, that one's loose. That one's off. That one's gone.

Okay, it's one side. let's get this other side removed. and I'm just going to let the sway bar hang down. Maybe if I pull on it come out.
Yeah, those threads are, uh, junk. Okay, I'll have to fix that with a nut and a bolt later. Okay, backing up some. So I don't hit you guys with a bar.

let this thing kind of dangle down right there. It's good for now. Okay, so it appears there's a couple brackets. uh, with, uh, power steering lines in the way.

Get these guys on bolted aside, uh-oh bracket gravity? No worries. Okay, next up: I Want to get the steering shaft disconnected? So let's rotate this around because the bolt is right there. So we're gonna spin that around 180.. there we go.

Let's get this thing unbolted here. Very good. A couple light Hammer taps, walk that flange off I'm out I'll make a liar out of me I Don't like to be a liar. Please come off or I'll hit you harder.

it's not coming off. Hmm. oh, you know what? I need to take this one up here Loose as well so that spline can slide. That's uh, that's the issue.

See that up there. More disassembly required. Maybe now gonna go up. It moved.

it moved more. There She Goes Hmm okay, no worries I need to hit a little harder. so I'll get behind it with a pry bar. here.

it's all she's got there we go. Loosey Goosey stash that off to the side for later. Stay right there. good.

All right. So here's the deal. The two hoses connect to the steering gear over here at the top near the oil filter and I can't really get in there with a tool. So what I think I want to do is take the straps loose on this uh, this unit, hang it down some and then it'll re-angle those bolts to like over here and then I'll be able to, uh, remove them.

So now we're at the point where it's time to pull the big straps out. I Know this. Okay, that's fine. I'll just pull them loose with a ratchet, more torque.

Oh, here we go. see if I can't get that one up top way down in there. Come on, get on there. Well that's not fair.

The line is in the way. There's a hard line I'm just gonna Flex it some there There we go flexing was the success. Unclick that one. That's two.

it's two. more over here. a little bit left that one and then the one up top. Yeah, there we go.

Now we're cooking. I'll finish it off with my 90 degree impactor down there. Big Bolt That sounded kind of scary. What the? Bolt's okay.

no worries. pull this strap off and there's one of our deteriorated bushings. It's not ready to come out yet. Last one coming out.

Bolt looks good. There's our strap. and that bushing is wow. Destroyed.

Nasty. Let's pull this unit out some. There we go now. I've got some access to the top.

Fastener Banjo bolt that hold the uh, the hydraulic lines to the unit. Let's get in there next. and uh, get those guys removed. All right? I've got a drain bucket here coming in position in case this thing decides it wants to spill anything.
Reach around here with the Uh. electron ratchet. Pop these bolts out. We're gonna do a neutral drop.

Check it out. that was beautiful on the floor. There we go. Nasty Blue.

It stinks. There we go. There's our banjo bolt. See how? it has a hole in the side of it that allows fluid to pass through.

so the fitting on the end of the line can flow fluid and it can flow through the bolt lever design? That's one of them. Let's get that other one buzzed off. steering gear. Gravity.

That's how it was holding it. My brain's not not raining appropriately. Forgot about physics. It's a long day.

yesterday. there we go. Okay, the unit's free. need to back up and maneuver it out from around that sway bar.

All right, let's see if I can do this. What I'm gonna do is reach around and grab a hold of this. Remove the sway bar out of the way. that hose off again.

Just lower this thing down. There we go. Freedom. Okay, so I've just made the determination that this leak has been here for a very long time.

Check this out. Watch this. look at all that it's all sludgy dirt, fluid buildup from a slow leak, just sitting here collecting dirt forever and ever and ever peels away like Grime that's so nasty. No worries.

look at all. this cleaned out of here make it nice and shiny. It is rust preventative though. That's cool, but we don't need this much.

that's excessive. Yeah, alrighty. I Think we are about ready to go ahead and fetch the uh, the new unit out of the box. I Already checked that it appears to be the right size and shape and dimensions and all that good stuff.

The fittings appear to be in the right spot. so I Do believe this is the correct unit for the car. Come here Cellophane, Let's pull this guy out and get this thing in position. I've got some uh, some new bushings that are going to go on it here and here.

Let's go unbox those. Well, they were in a box. Now they're unboxed and they've been run over. uh, by a kid bike? No worries, they're rubber.

They're gonna be okay down there. There's our two new bushings left side and right side. Let's get these things unwrapped and on the steering wheel. You know? So I got to tell you people, knock on Dorman Parts But they often have the the things that nobody else seems to have including uh, stuff like this, these rubber bushings here.

and who's going to have bushings for a 95 to 2000? Pathfinder Nissan product nobody besides Dorman's gonna have that probably won't even get them from the from the dealership Discontinued unavailable. Get in there, they're all there we go. And this one I think it went on inside. Yeah, that one goes on like right around here somewhere.

Let's Straighten that up later. All right. Spent some time getting this pressed in that's now closed up and that's about as tight as I'm gonna get this uh, this form fit bushing over here so that's in good shape. Oh, gravity.
All right. let's swing on back over to the vehicle and get the steering gear up in position and mounted in. But first, I Need to make this thing finalized shiny. We're at all the residual drippages out of here please! Goodbye coagulated lubricant.

Well that's nice. It's like a sludge waterfall. so bad. Look at that.

I Missed the pan. All right, that's enough. 12 bucks gone another. All right.

Doesn't that stink? Let's go ahead and get this uh up in position here same way it came out. Tuck it up under that sway bar kind of in the way. I Think is that how it went? Yeah, it went like that raw heavy. That's good for now I Think not.

really. gotta move it over right there. Okay now I Can hook up my uh, my lines real fast and then we'll get this in the right orientation and then we'll get it clamped in with its uh with its straps day. So I've got uh, got the old banjo bolts with new bushings.

Get this guy strapped on. Word Association failure I have new crush washers I Don't know why I said bushings I dropped a bushing and then I did it twice. There's one going in good. Don't fall out.

stay there watching you I'm reaching over in my box for another another. Crush Washer I Think I said bushings, not fresh washers Words: This guy in that one is turning some. There we go. Okay, that one's threading in.

Dude, there's no Ratchet Here we go, that's tight about some. Get out of the way. let's get her turned in position here right about. like so.

I Think stay all right straps coming in. let's see if this is going to fit in. It was a tight squeeze coming out and uh, the bushing was gone I Don't know if that's going to fit in there with the line attached. I'm gonna try it.

I'll Flex it more. No, no, come on. come on. All right, that's not gonna work.

Fail Order of operations fail undoing the line? Come on. What is problem here? Shapes and colors? There We go there. We go now. I Got it? Yeah, Line kicks there.

We go Okay. one bolt coming in, compressor engaged, two bolts in. Here's the strap for the passenger side. Let's get that guy up there got an up or down label.

no that was good and the other Big Bowl I'm going to run these down. some not fully, just yet, just a little bit there we go. Okay, so before this sway bar goes up, let's go ahead and pull the old bushings off of it. There's our old one.

I've got a new one right here. Wow, look at that huge worn out diameter. Hope these are the right ones. I Guess we're gonna find out.

Oh yeah yeah, those fit. Okay, those are things were very worn out. There's one gone and the second one gone. New one coming in.

Now there's new bushings for the sway bar as well. Uh what? I need to do There we go. Compressor I Don't want to hear you anymore anyway. So now I'm going to get.
Uh, get, the steering gear and steering wheel lined up and we'll get that shaft back on. Okay, so there's an alignment Mark right here on the uh, the edge of this gear and that's supposed to line up with that opening right there in this clam. this clasp right here. so it's roughly 90 degrees to that that center pin.

This should be 90 degrees to it. So I'm going to get that kind of maneuver down into position here, see if we can't slide that thing on and we'll tap it down with a little mallet stubbornness. So I should have done this earlier, but let me put some lube up there on those splines since they have to slide. I Definitely should have done this earlier.

There we go. that's what I want now we're hi guys, kids are parading around I Guess they got bored in the office I'll just encourage this to go back down in position here at a time. There She Goes slides so much better with some lubricant. Amazing! One bolt up top coming in foreign and then we'll spin this unit around and get this other bolt right here.

Did I go too far? I Did go too far. Redo Undo redo. Love my job! I've been today too far. there we go.

There's a notch in that shaft right there and that bolt has to pass through. That notch. clicks. All right, that one's tight.

This one's getting re-tight Very nice. Now at this point, I Can run down the mounting brackets for the steering gear itself here. Foreign. and that is that.

The unit is now secure. Let's back up some. We'll get our steering hoses re-secured we put the sway bar back up, and then we'll get the tie rods installed. But first, Encore: there's grease on the bolts.

All right, that's enough screwing around. Let's keep going. Let's get this bracket for the line back into position here and bolted, uh, to the frame. That little bracket piece that fell off, um, does not seem to go anywhere.

So I'm not going to put it back. it doesn't do anything. we don't need it. Bracket mix? Okay, that's on.

Let's get the sway bar prepared for reinstallation with its two giant brackets to go on the ends. Okie Dokes right side bracket coming in. So we need to cradle and get this set up in the groove for these sway bar bushings. Push it up, hang it, line it up, and then, uh, bolt it in.

Ooh, that bushings tight. That's a tight squeeze. Okay, no worries. I'll use the bolts to draw it upwards and into position here.

Oh, slippage came right at me. You're gonna line up, You can't see there. it is there. We go now.

it's gonna line up. good. Next linkage. All right.

One is done. Let's move over to the driver's side mount and get that one in place. Okay, same procedure I Suppose Keep this all lined up and in position here. Start with a couple of the bolts to hold the bracket in place.

far forward pry bar. Let's see here there, a little farther back. That's what we needed. Who knew I Hear emergency response vehicles and thunder.
Oh my whoa. Great Balls of Fire We got a hurricane running into another hurricane. Sideways rain. It's crazy.

You see that out there. Big old fat rain. Florida Weather you're hardened. Clicks twice clicks.

There we go. Beautiful looking good. If you can get this cross member support bracket device reinstalled, two bolts in the front, two bolts in the back. Easy peasy, that one that wasn't in the enemies okey-dokes let's move on out of this little hole right here.

We'll swerve around to the side and we can get, uh, look at these outer tie rods installed next. I've got new ones I Really do not like the loud Troy noises. Go see what he's doing real quick. Anyway, as I was saying, I've got some new, uh, new tie rods here I Don't like to put old tie rods on new steering gears.

so I bought new ones. What you doing over here? Buddy cleaning. He's cleaning. That's a nice shiny subframe.

We got there. Thank you? Yes! Good job bro. Thank you very much. Good job.

Appreciate it. Anyways, Uh, we need to get a jam nut on here and then we can screw these tie rods on. Where's my jam now? Yes, the jam nut is what prevents the inner tie rod from turning all by itself when the outer tie rod is installed. So once these are screwed together, you'll tighten down that jam nut and it'll create some friction right here.

And then the inner tie rod cannot rotate and become unthreaded. which would be very bad if you were driving and it came off. There we go. That's good.

Let's pull our castle nut off here and get this guy. slipped down into the steering knuckle. Get in there just like so. all right that one's on.

Let's go get the other one installed. Then we'll tighten them both up and then, uh. run the collar pins. Alrighty passenger side.

Next, one more time, we got a jam nut here. Screw that thing on. Now you can kind of eyeball how far it's got to go. In my case, I'm using one pinky finger.

Sometimes that's accurate, sometimes it's It's not accurate at all, but it's at least a good Baseline Plus, if you do the finger width measurement, at least both sides will be uh, even no, that won't turn anymore. What is this? There we go. Rough spotting threads. Come on with it.

turn, turn, sock it to me. Now it goes. Did you break that? Troy Broke the hose reel? How'd you break a hose reel? Pinky We'll fix it. no worries.

Get this guy screwed on next now again. Uh, this car is not going to get a wheel alignment through me. The car has purchased at one point in its life a lifetime alignment policy from one of the tire shops or whatever. so we're just going to let it.

Uh, run it over to them guys and let them make good on their warranty that Down in the Hole right about here. Get in there. What are we doing? Oh, got it. again.
Threading now. Very good. All right. let's get these tight and cotter pinned clicks all right.

there's the hole. gotta line the groove up with the hole a little more a little more perfect. Right on the money. Okay other side.

next move right on over here. same thing. tighten her up. different size socket.

Okay, that happens so often where the same same part we'll have different size. Fasteners I Don't get it. that was the wrong size socket. Now it's stuck there and since I don't know where my 19 socket is, we'll just finish this off with a wrench so we're just fine for me.

Yeah, two more. Ah, again, one more now. I should do it. And there we go.

That's good. That was enough. Nas So we got one cotter pin going in like so let us Bend this properly so it remains secured. There we Go.

and this one I think I'll want to go this way this time there that's pretty okay. caught up in the other side and then we can start to uh, let this unit down. We'll throw the tires back on it and then, uh, the fluid refilled. We should be good to go here.

Okey-dokes We skipped ahead. the wheels are back on racks tight. Everything's good to go. Let's let her down.

get this thing refilled and then we can do a leak check on that hose back there. I Don't know if for certain those hoses are leaking I've already tightened up a couple of the clamps just to make sure that that was not the cause of the problem. but uh, we will see down on the ground. Okay, the wheels straightish, steering wheel straight.

let's check that other one, make sure it's uh, parallel to the driver's side turned in a little bit. No worries you allowing the guys to take care of that met us. Get some fluid back in this Reservoir to go from there to the Vault of viscosity. What do we got here? Brake fluid: ATF There we go some BG Action All right.

Let's get this guy refilled here now before I start the engine. I'm gonna go and run the steering wheel left and right to start to circulate some of the fluid I Don't want the pump to run dry because then it'll make noise because it'll aerate the fluid. and it'll wind and nobody wants a whining pump. There we go.

Good for right now. Storm seems to have subsided slightly. Let's get this wheel rotated. We'll just go lock to lock.

three or four of these actions back and forth and we'll be good to go ahead and restarting the engine. Okay, all right, coming around to recheck that Reservoir it's a little low in there. Let's fill it up some more. It looks like it's going to take the whole bottle all right.

Or a whole half a bottle. Maybe some more of the bottle. Who knows. All right, that's good.

Put the cap on restocking Z engine. go back up in the air and check the leaks Real Quick Lane Come back up about halfway up. Let's give this thing a finalized inspection. down below things there's not leaking because it's good.
It's going to be in question is one of the power steering hoses later on I'm going to pressure wash that off. We're going to set it off to the alignment and then I'll recheck that one. I did tighten clamps on it, but you never know. We go back to that later.

So that being said, I'm going to go ahead and close this video out right now. I Will do such things as always by thanking each year Every one of you guys for watching this video and gals Hope you enjoyed this video. If You all did enjoy this video. Please feel free to let me know about that by tapping that like button down below.

Drop me a comment or two while you're down there. And most importantly, do not forget to have yourselves a great day! See you guys later in Pathfinder into power steering gear into Transmission in the video.

95 thoughts on “Years of sludge! seals blown out rack pinion oil leak #mechanic”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RobinHoodHustsle says:

    Wouldnโ€™t this repair cost more than the value of the car if it has 275k miles?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jorge fernandez says:

    I aleays enjoy your videos and learn so much.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Knorr says:

    He talks All the way through each procedure.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dick Ritchie says:

    I like that your videos are long enough to show all that you do and all the care you take. I would love to work in a shop like that. ๐Ÿ‘

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint Egbert says:

    So break clean fixes everything!!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Denver Basshead says:

    Non-electronic dorman products are fine

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 5iFTY says:

    Fix the leaking "hose!" Sounds like a bad day at the emergency room

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Declan O Shaughnessy says:

    Nice job done Ray much appreciated cheers Declan from Galway Ireland ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pete J. says:

    Just did rack n pinion on my 94.Camry…had to drop the K- frame on the bugger

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Peters says:

    You could save time and always select the right size wrench by tatoing a nut size gauge on your fingers…hahaha.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tremaine says:

    Ray, I love how you clean as you go, getting rid of sludge etc even when it doesn't affect the repair.

    I've lost more time than I care to admit removing crud from parts and bolts because it has to go back together CLEAN. Like, I keep a set of dental picks in the garage ๐Ÿ˜‚

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fred slaz says:

    try to talk a lot less its annoying

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mitchell Merrill says:

    Rainmam be careful of the clock spring. And Dorman rules ๐Ÿ‘

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Saami Sisu says:

    I hope you think about these people that are giving you a cheap thrill. How about no water or toilets living in scum…you and yours are fuels inhumanity

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Green says:

    Mr. Ra-Ray, sir… I have been wondering for quite a while, with as precise as you usually are about words (which I love, b.t.w.),
    I'm wondering why you call wheel covers, "hub caps"…? ๐Ÿค”

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cobra646 says:

    I'm looking towards doing this job on my Mitsubishi L400. This video was extremely helpful. Quick question, how do you know the rack is "centered" before reinstalling the steering column? 2. No thread lockbor anything on those clamping bolts in the shaft?

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Jones says:

    Hey dude, PB Blaster is some good shit, I call it Hooker Spit, The slickest substance known to mankind. Pounding that spline shaft, hit it once with PB blaster first and watch it just float.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joshua Swick says:

    I love how you get mad at the empty brake cleaner cans and throw them , I laugh at that every time lol

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Stetler vote TRUMP 2024 says:

    Hello wife unit . Your living close to the edge

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pauley says:

    I love it the cans of brake cleaner I am wanting for 4 cans at a time ๐Ÿ˜‚

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KoolBreeze420 says:

    Is the car even worth all this work? Was the leak repaired?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mechanic majid says:

    Nice ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sun of York says:

    How does Ray remember which bolt belongs in which hole when rebuilding ?

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew Donohue says:

    275,000 miles? what is the point where the vehicle's service life is over? the rack, bushings, labor, and alignment is probably close to the value of the vehicle with that many miles on it. if you replaced the rack and bushings at home and paid for the alignment would bring the cost down enough to make it easier to justify it.

    that vehicle is rust free, ill give it that much

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mark says:

    Weird suggestion- compressed air after saturation with brake cleaner?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Justin Ferguson says:

    You wouldnโ€™t change the rubber line thatโ€™s been immersed with fluid? I figured age and exposure would warrant a replacement

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Slazas says:

    You must buy the brake clean by the case !๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GandalfTheLit says:

    I have that exact rigid impact, absolute beast.

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Nomath says:

    What does that slightly kinked line next to your nice and shiny pinion go to?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sheldon Bertram says:

    It's nice when you can afford to fix things like that.

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sirtokesalot47 says:

    so your just going to skip that stripped sway bar bolt on the passenger side? what happened to a through bolt and nut?

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Onaopemipo Odetunde says:


  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stan Brown says:

    Video cmp……4NBs

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alfred Gonzalez says:

    I wonder what the purpose for that plate that went under the hose bracket was for.

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars customStealth says:

    Just curious is the shop yours?

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason LeCreux says:

    Up north we purposely undercoat vehicles to prevent rust. If not they would be rusted away and off the road within 7-8 years ๐Ÿ˜‚ the mess under the steering gear on this Nissan is what every inch of our vehicles look like

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Francis says:

    LOL ray you must keep the brake cleaner can company in business all on your own

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave George says:

    Center the steering wheel….

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave George says:

    Ray hurting me by not going home to rest or something. Tricky operation, not fun!

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Thompson says:

    How did you get a beautiful girl when you are just a mechanic ๐Ÿ˜‚? My wife and I have been married for 56 years and I was just a army guy and I even went to Vietnam 6 weeks after we got married. So take great care of her and love her more everyday โค

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars My crazy family life says:

    Now I know why you started YouTube to pay for your brake cleaner box๐Ÿ˜‚

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruce MacDonald says:

    Ray needs a CRC sponsorship

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rudi Christensen says:

    you forgot the front bolt on the left (passenger side) swaybar mount.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K Kampy says:

    I learned a valuable lesson about replacing a rack, make sure it is centered before installing or you may not be able to bring it into alignment.

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TheGuruStud says:

    Doesn't look like ATF to me…. My personal concoction is high mileage ATF, lubegard, and bars stop leak. If she needs some more help, then AT 205.
    People wonder why they need to replace racks on all of their high mileage cars…b/c they don't change fluids or use additives.

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ahoy there mate says:

    great job Ray your a bloody beauty mate as we say in Aussie

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars donald kemp says:

    dirty boy didnt lock the wheel lol

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Kuipers says:

    send some of that rain up here in wisconsin we haven't had rain in 4 weeks or more.

  49. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars javier4456 says:

    great job my friend, all the way from MICHIGAN

  50. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Linkous says:

    Ray, did you replace the bolt from the swaybar bracket that was stripped!?

  51. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ghett SUMM says:

    How does The Three Non Blondes end up on almost every one of your videos? LoL

  52. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deepak Kumar says:

    Heard that reman or cheap steering racks and pumps are never any good and you need to go oem for long life.
    Anyone know?

  53. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars WolfeAdventures says:

    Fluid needs to be flushed before the new rack is installed. Most rocks require this to maintain its warranty.

  54. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jimmy cheese says:

    New tie rods ends don't have zert fittings? I thought it was normal to have them on replacement parts.

  55. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cuss Cusser says:

    One is fortunate these days if copper crush washers for banjo fittings are actually included with new parts that require them (cost savings, of course !!!). Last year I had to obtain 4 crush washers separately to install two new flexible brake hoses for my 1988 Mazda truck.

  56. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dark Earth Customs And Shop Talk says:

    Ray, did you forget the steering rack seal cover that was under the steering shaft when you installed the new rack? It looked like there was a seal cover on the old rack.

  57. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PATRICK DINEEN says:

    When finances allow, consider getting a screw compressor, they are very quiet.

  58. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan M says:

    I love that your family is there. My best friends dad had a garage and I can't count the times I was Shanghaid to help. Great times!

  59. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Pavon says:

    Great Video, thanks for sharing!

  60. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Stacknik says:

    YEAH, Brake Clean again. ๐Ÿ™‚

  61. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg says:

    Can we assume you replaced the stripped bolt on the front of the stabilizer bar, passenger side?

  62. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Butch-Chan says:

    Its so wholesome every time I hear "Wife Unit". Love your work.

  63. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeanpierre Burel says:

    Fascinating display of knowhow and memory ! One question : what about the Subaru ? Any news? Sorry for such silly comments but afterall I'm a M.D. , specializing in Oral surgery .

  64. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim with a D says:

    What makes me think Ray is so much better off now than he was in those other shops is in just 1 thing he does…"ANOTHER !!!" and throws the brake cleaner can…lol. Never saw him do that until he got on his own. It's like a 180 turn around for Ray and his fun factor which has gone up by 1000%. And that's why I think Ray is in his element perfectly. Take care.

    ps….but I still miss the DOODLE EE DOOS

  65. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Y says:

    Holy crap that's a lot of brake cleaner. Looks like you guys can still use the chlorinated version in Florida. I don't miss the strong smell, but it cleaned way better than the non-chlorinated crap we get in Cali.

  66. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wiggle Pig says:

    It's really nice how you've taken to calling Troy "darling" after so short a time. He must be a really good guy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  67. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Ershler says:

    Iโ€™m not quite sure you call the technique with the spinning socket a neutral drop. It seems to me it should be called a spinning or full speed ahead drop. ๐Ÿง

  68. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alan thompson says:

    What about the leak at the back of the power steering pump?

  69. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Werner Danler says:

    If you bought really big cans of brake cleaner and a refillable can with a plunger to pressurize it, you could probably save quite a bit of cash over the long haul, over buying all those spray cans.
    Where's your bean counter Ray? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

  70. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jack cirrito says:

    Been there done that repair more than once on my 96. When u change oil filter it dumps right on that dr side bushing. Some after market bushings are on the loose side too. I used dealer bushes finally.
    I do a mucho off roading so harder on them.
    Love your blow by blow narration Ray. Thanks

  71. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D.O.M Gaming says:


  72. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Aaron Snowden says:

    Loved the weather part. When I see a tornado drop I just record it. ๐Ÿ˜…

  73. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Is it worth it? Letโ€™s see says:

    Nope . That intro ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ its more for your buddy and that car is more like Scotty Kilmer channel . Sorry about that.

  74. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Abel Puentes says:

    Love watching your videos. As an old school tech. I don't really trust my impact tools. I always go over bolts by hand afterwards. Especially tires. Thats just me. 99% of the time, they are good and tight.

  75. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daddyoh says:

    Why no TADA with brake cleaner to rinse off the power steering fluid. Ah spoke too soon. Do ya think the hoses need replacement

  76. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Judd says:

    I think you addicted to brake clean get some help๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

  77. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee Gee says:

    Is there a place to go where I can work on a car and not get watched and harassed? Can a man work on his car and be left alone?

  78. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee Gee says:

    Now I can't even work on my own car to fix it my own drive way. I reply with pure logic how dumb it is to say someone can't work on their own car. Like they have to be rich and just have it towed away for every problem. And how auto shops aren't open 24/7 all the time on a dime. To be able to help you fix your car. And that on every little problem with the car cost like between $400 to $700 to fix. When you fix it yourself you save a lot of money. Now I was told to just junk a car over a small coolant hose leak. It's a throw away society like. I mean every time a car has a problem. Just go buy a new used one. Oh by the way you aren't allowed to work on that used car by the way. What's the point? I think you hit the nail on the head. It's about emotions for these people. It's judge judy can't get her head wrapped around cars. A car is a responsibility that gets you to work. It should be honored that there is a guy that actually works on his car and gets repaired. Honored? That should be a normal thing, what are you saying. Oh it's normal someone is working on their car on their drive way.

  79. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dee Gee says:

    Welcome to Wisconsin. I can't even work on my own car any more. Trailer parks ran by a woman that doesn't understand (we don't live in the stone age anymore this isn't Fred Flintstone anymore or little house on the prairie.. That not every autoshop is going to be able 24/7. And that I have to spend time working on my car so I go to work. Now every time something goes wrong with a car like a cracked hose. I should just get rid of the car. Now every time something goes wrong with the car. I should just spend $700 on every little repair. Just tow it! I wish people would just mind their own business.

  80. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Hansen says:

    I was starting to get brake cleaner withdrawal. The last few videos didn't have a need for it. I'm glad we're making things shiny again. ๐Ÿ˜

  81. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Schmo says:

    I noticed the oil filter in close proximity to that steering rack where much of the oil build up occurred. I'm wondering how much spillages from that thing being changed over the years contributed to that sludgy mess…

  82. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Iroh says:

    Ray, when you sprayed the cleaner you didn't cover the open ends on the hoses, and I believe you nailed them sufficiently to contaminate the fluid in the steering system. Gave me the willies to watch that part.

  83. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Sensabaugh says:

    Ray, which mid torque small impact would you suggest for tire removal when you are on the road?

  84. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VR Dufferguy says:

    Heard some 4 Non Blondes playing in the background!

  85. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Adamson says:

    "what is problem" its the country music soon as the compressor drowned it out you were able to function correctly… lol need more 90's rock

  86. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RezaQin says:

    Been awhile since I watched you, Ray. Looks like you're doing well!

  87. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Malone says:

    Dorman parts ….roll the bones

  88. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Barry Thomas says:

    Good to see you wearing gloves for a change. Thumbs up.

  89. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arthur Samson says:

    Fun Fact: I spent a year working at Uh-Oh Zone back in the day & Dorman actually started out manufacturing little replacement parts that no one else did in their help section. Body and chassis bushings and bearings, body clips, just about anything made out of rubber that wasn't usually available as just a replacement, not to mention all of the OEM hardware the dealer no longer carries in stock. This is why when they graduated to doing bigger stuff, they would include all the stuff no one else even thinks about because that's they came from! Say what you will about Dorman, but they know what's up when it comes to all the annoying little $hit you run into turning wrenches! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  90. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Arnulfo Guzman says:


  91. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars No Beret says:

    That's the second time this week I've seen tie rod ends without zerk fittings. What's up with that?

  92. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tired old mechanic says:

    As a child I looked forward to summers at home all day. I suppose the shop office gets boring for the kids.

  93. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy says:

    Of course Dorman has parts nobody else has. Nobody buys them, so they're always in stock. Lol I kid, I kid.

  94. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim B says:

    Nissan Sidewinder. It was ust trying to find a junk yard.
    Neutral Drop: to both burr-up the fastener corners and wear out the socket.
    How long before someone else ends up on their back and head after losing their footing on an unseen bushing or empty spray can…

  95. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stuart Tamanaha says:

    Just viscous cycle!

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