In this video I finish off the Buick Enclave that we started working on but ran into a little snag. The parking brake shoes are now here and it is time to finish off this job and get the car back to the owner.
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Time is fast folks I Have no idea where we left off I Know we have to do a wheel bearing the parking brake shoes I Don't remember what we talked about though. I Ended up doing front brakes for this young lady. Also, we're gonna have to get an area here. We'll give that a little shove.

This is what her front brakes look like. Pretty thin, although still legal here in the Prny. They were not metal against metal I Let her know that they're ultra thin and should be replaced unless you want to come back next week and have them done. He said don't be silly, you do what you need to do.

So we did and we did not damage into that axle. For anybody's saying, we would have used a pointy bit if it was driving a little bit harder, but it was. It went in nice and easy. Let's go on the back side here and to take the bolts out.

But first, let's take our park and brake shoes off. We'll just get these right out of the way just because we have to take them off. Anyhow, so grab a hold of us up our spring. give that a little pull, save all your Hardware if you like so you can compare it to your new stuff down here on the bottom.

We'll also grab a hold of the spring and get that one out of there. There goes our adjuster which we don't need. and there's our front shoe, back shoe. That's a shoe.

Click and pop this shoe off. Fire up there. a little bit. Stick that to the side the other side.

I Did the parking brake shoes over there. same thing. They were falling apart as soon as you touch on prime a little bit. they ended up popping apart.

So all right, that's it. axle. Zeus Let's pull the nuts off the or the bolts, rather off the wheel bearing on the back side. Grabbed us a 21 mil.

I Don't know if we can get them off from right here or not. Maybe it is not 21 so we're gonna put that back I Grabbed us an 18 mil short socket I Don't know if we can get them back here, but we're going to give them a try. There's two of them, but Loctite works really well. Makes a man make funny faces.

Probably not using the best tool. We'll pick up our adjuster we dropped. That's okay. that's okay little fella.

I've probably done other videos on these bearings anyways that are better video quality. Thank you All right I'm gonna put a little pants pee on the front of these threads see if that helps. Probably won't because we're dealing with Loctite There's not much thread that sticks through the front. We'll Spritz down the whole bearing with the infamous coil.

That one worked. Just lovely. There's only about one thread that sticks through the outside. You can see the dirty part so it's not even quite a thread.

So just sometimes the Loctite grabs a little better than other times. Uh, they're often out of the way now. we've just gotta push push push and this thing will come right off. Let's try and grab our Lyle push push push tool.

Oh, stick this little guy in here. put on sofa both of these nuts, give them a snug a Duggar and then find something to push on which. I Don't think we have much, but let's look behind here and see up here near the top. I Think we may be able to push on the backing plate if we can shove something solid back there, but let's insert the insertion device see where it ends up being able to poke up.
Sometimes you have to push on the backing plate a little bit. However, if you can back it up behind there, which that side's not going to quite function how we want. oh down here, we've got some solidness. Oh dude, are we gonna make it down here on the backing plate? Oh she's it's gonna be tight.

Let me see if I can get a little piece of metal to stick behind here and then we'll be in good shape. Back it off a little bit. Hmm girl, you're too thick. Just right.

Oh good thing my tootsies weren't in the way I Backed it off a little. pulled out a little too soon, fella. This ugly dog is probably not powerful enough, but we're gonna give it a little. squeeze.

I'm not sure what's happening, but something's happening. I Didn't think this little cordless gun was going to have enough lead in its pencil. I Don't want to break the speed sensor so I'm going to give it a little whack to make sure that axle stain in there make a funny face while. I Do it too.

Would you look at that? look at that? That's wonderful. That worked. Just one saved a lot of beating. A little bit of swearing just came right off.

There we are. We're still stuck in the backing plate a little bit. this letter dangle by the cable. It's got a corrosion in there.

Let's go get a Bfh and give that a couple. Taps the the big freaking hammer ta-da So that was easy. So now you get to your latch waiter. oh what's all this juice? Oh idiot, We sprayed it I Forget I Hardly ever spray things so that's my bad.

Look at this guy. Let's clean up the corrosion here. Get this kind of cleaned off a little bit, get our new bearing on there and we'll toss things back together. All right.

Wow. Come on, thank you. All right, thank you. All right.

we'll get things lubed up here. Foreign. We'll find our bolts. Got our brand new bearing from Napper.

Uh, not a sponsor, but we're using their parts just letting me know where I Get stuff. Come on baby. Try to get out of you guys. Wait, it'll be moving a little bit.

All right. I'm gonna use that one bolt just to hold it for right now. Get the other two bolts here. Find my lock tight.

That's ripping around down here. Baby's laptop. Like tart, lactated. What's the past tense of lactate? If you're lactating the bolts, we're going to apply the lactate.

How's that sound? Give this one, reach around through here, getting picked up through the back and plate. Get it started in the bearing. and now that I've got that one started, I'll pull out the one that's closest to me right there. thread it in.
So far. Come on fella. Okay, take that one back out. We'll swap it out with the one that we've already got the lock tied on with the back complete to the bear.

There we go. Then we'll lactate the last one to get that baby in there. So some people comment about the Loctite not needing it because everything gets rusted in place. which is true.

Everything does get rusted in place, but believe it or not, lactate actually works really good. It's keeping the corrosion from going down the bolt. I Would say probably as good as never sees. Believe it or not, it does.

You hardly ever see bolts that are locked top they have been lactated, get all corroded. Usually there's no corrosion down the bolt thread, so think about that while you're eating your breakfast in the morning. Let me know what you guys think. So these are 96 foot-pounds It says according to service data, we should be able to get them right from here.

There's one this guy might be just little clicks into that CV Bootle, there's 96 on that one and then we'll do 96 foot pounds on this one. There we are 98, 96 close enough and then like a buck 50 on the axle nut. I'm guessing I'm not guessing. Let's be honest, that's what they told me.

so we'll have to do that. Let's start our parking brake shoes back on here. You may be able to do the parking brake shoes, you know, prior to putting the bearing on, but really, these ones aren't overly difficult with the bearing on, so we'll just do it like this: We're gonna put a little blue button this. we're just using our silly ramek I've got some left on the brush from when I did the front brakes and the brakes on the other side.

So because all that's done I didn't figure we should bother showing the front brake job I don't even know if we've talked about it in the last video I Think what it was that I Looked the vehicle over for inspection. He gave her my thought. Give her the price, She says the price that I'm doing the four wheel brake job, the parking brake thing, the wheel or the wheel bearing, the side detection, all that stuff. I Think it ended up being cheaper than the dealer was just going to do the object detection module for I Know my prices aren't real high, but it ain't that far off.

The dealer must just get it man. I Don't think they really like to work on older stuff, you know, so stuff outside the warranty period. you know what I mean. So these new ones, these got a different style retaining clip than the ones we took off.

We had a tool for the old ones so the original ones took a little Factory cup tool. These ones use this tool and or a pair of needle nose. This allows you to do it in one fault or one swift you know movement here Felts felt what word am I looking for Wow they tell you that and then we turned it into fumble. Fest Here come on baby.

push and turn pushing. There we go. We got it. We almost got it all the way.
We're gonna finish it off with a pair of needle nose because we don't want to drop it there we go. there's that one and then we're gonna put this shoe on the thing again. this on the opposite side and if you've never seen this style retainer, you've got your classic nail with a little dimple head and through the hole. Turn it and it locks okay if you just try to push it through and it's got a lot of tension on it and or pressure depends on what piece you're talking about.

and you just twist this in with a pair of pliers, you'll twist the head right off. So if you're using players, the trick is you got to come in all clutch. You got to push with pliers, squeeze, make a noise like that, and then turn and then let the pressure off it. Um, otherwise you'll twist the head right off.

the little guy. don't want to do that. I Went to both those little guys. You're on there.

You're going to want to fish your spring through this. Spring's a little snug so it's a bit of a pain. You just want to hang on to it on the opposite side with a pair of pliers just so you don't drop it. This is the big thing.

Get it down here. Grab it with the needle nose bite script so you get a hold of it. This is where you could send it right through your finger so we'll record it just in case. But today is our lucky day.

We're gonna grab it right here. Like that. Push: get that into the lower. Springs on step two.

Your upper spring, use an aftermarket stuff. We're going to put it on the back side. anybody who's watched our videos knows why and I checked it again on the other side over there. and if you put it on the front side, you're gonna have issues.

It gets all waded up. When you try to turn your adjuster, it walks all the way up and around the front of the spring because the Springs are slightly different. The factory adjuster on that side is left hand thread. Both of these aftermarket ones are right hand thread.

It doesn't really matter. It's my preference when I install these and I put them in. So when you click them up, use this fashion that the shoes expand so I'd like a little never seeds. We're going to put it on here, get this screwed in, and then just pop that on.

Now if the girl was taking this thing to car shows, it was going to pull the rotor and stuff off and stick a mirror under here. We would do it a different way. I Checked with her and she said she's not taking any car shows. Oh, we're so close.

but we don't want to pinch our little fingers because they're full of arthritis. When you pinch them, they hurt like hurt, like nothing you've ever heard. There we go. So that's in there.

Now watch this. Now that it's in there, the clickage from it is going to be amazing. Ready, Hear that she's just a beautiful Clicker Try to release it. Sometimes the spring will get watered around, but usually it'll click pretty good.
So there you go. Free Tip: Friday for you and it's Monday That's pretty good just in case we push somebody over the edge by getting stuff on our shoes snapping a piece of 120. I think it's 120. it's 120 or 80.

it won't fix. If you're a real pig and and you think you're going to get crap all over them, just cover them up with a piece of masking tape. We don't even need brake clean and then when you're all done, feel the masking tape off and believe it or not, that's a trick. I Learned on YouTube in the comment section, somebody told me that I'm like, that's a great That's a great tip there.

don't spend a whole lot of time on them. We will shoot a little of that just because we're making a video. Makes you feel good too. We don't spend a lot of time on it.

Why? Because nobody ever uses them. These things will sit here in the stationary position until they rot off or delaminate like they did. I Can use my pocket square. How sophisticated am I to have a pocket square? What? I Need to have my suit on baby.

Not a big suit guy. Okay, there we go. Baby's all cleaned up Spritz Down The Hub face even though it has a magical coating on it and you'll find our rotor I Don't know where that baby went. So something pretty interesting.

the front brake rotors that I put on this thing also from that, but still not a spot sir. I Noticed when I put them on that they seem to be higher quality than a normal Chinesium that they send us or that most shorters are and I look on the box and it said designed, engineered in the USA and then in super teeny tiny letters. almost illegible. it said made in the USA I was like I'm right there So I said to myself oh, tires on the other side so it's kind of heavy to turn so I thought that was pretty interesting.

Maybe Nappers turning over a new Leaf or their Chinese supplier couldn't fulfill their needs and they had to buy from America We're gonna take our adjuster. we're gonna clicker all the way out until she stops clicking and lighten this up a little better. Okay, she's taunt. Then we're gonna back her off a few clicks and then line it, straighten it back up.

there we go and it turns somewhat difficult because the brakes and the wheel and everything's on the other side. Oh, douching of the brake clean. Wipe off the goo, what glue there is on it. completely saturate.

a rag. Seems good, seems good. rag's pretty well shot. Let's put this on.

Uh, when I was doing the other caliper brackets, I went and sandblasted these ones also and then made sure my pins were nice and gooey. So let's Lube this baby up. slap The hardware, put the bracket or the you know, brake pads. Gosh idiot.

New hardware of course I Believe you know I told you that these had to be metal against metal I believe if the metal wear indicator in New York City is hitting the rotor I believe it also passes Earth fails rather I'd have to double check that that law. Most people are like super cool. um you know. So if I tell them like for example, the case of this lady that you know your pads technically pass but they're super close.
like I say most people are super cool about it and they just want to fix. they don't want to have to come back, they're gonna. You know if they don't do the work themselves, you know, some people we showed them. you know, like if it's you know, some guy or girl that works on their own car for like hey, you know it legally passes, but you know there's only about two thirty seconds of friction material they say oh yeah, well things should tell them I'm gonna go home and do it myself.

which is fine I don't care, do it yourself. um and then you know if it legally passes it legally passes. but at least we told them that's all it matters and then then that's it. But like this lady, let's just get her done.

Well, your mother lover haven't done that in a while I haven't done that in a while and then what do we do? We do it on camera. ain't no going back from that one fella. Well I suppose could you could edit it out and just so we're clear, no damage, not covered with the grease. So before people lose their mind, that oh baby, where are you I'm losing stuff 21 Is that what we need? But we're gonna try.

All right Torque builds a factory specs of course. Caliper. Where are you old calipers? Let her hang by the hose. Saw four ounces that it weighs.

oh boy here I am saying it didn't break. What do I find the shim? Know what that comment section would have done if they saw the shim missing. Oh man, that sucks I'm sure I've done worse things in my life I Know I Have we just don't talk about them? Focus on the fact that I'm hanging this from the hose. okay or that I pushed all that one back thereby ruining the ABS valve somehow that nobody can ever really explain and that we've never seen happen.

but we know it doesn't squeeze out a little bit of the goo here. we're just about out of that Lube that baby up a little bit on the Piston face even though it is finalic. just a good habit. Let's drop it.

A little screwy in there and one in there we'll talk those. expect 20 something on them, probably. Usually they're 25 ish or just use common sense. Oh, that one's spinning on us I Need to hold it with a little something here because it doesn't take much.

That's all it took. Just around the same page per OEM service data. We're looking under the replace the rear pad section, so rear disc pad replacement. They tell you to warn you about the Dust uh let's see and then they tell you: inspect the fluid level on the brake Mass cylinder.

make sure it is between the Midway and maximum full point of the and the minimum allow level. No brake fluid needs to be removed before proceeding, so if that's where it's at, if fluid is higher than midway between the maximum, remove some brake fluid, discard it. Why? Because you're going to push it back in without opening the bleeder. We come down here without disconnecting the brake hose, pivot the caliper upwards, support the brake caliper with heavy mechanics, wire, and or equivalent, using a large C-clamp compress the brake piston into the brake caliper bore and then you keep reading.
but that's it baby. You don't open the bleeder so you see this bin here. I Feel this thing every three months with brake rotors. We got to take that in.

it's full between just myself and Josh I've been doing that for just a shade over 20 years and I got to have a car come back with a failed ABS pump after replacing brakes or ever the only car I've ever had come in with the ABS I've done like three that I can think of. cars that have come in with failed ABS pumps with uh, like a dump valve or an isolation valve stuck. You know, either creating a super hard brake pedal, a non-functioning brake, or a fading brake pedal. you know, with like a dump valve stuck open on them.

The one car was a Lincoln was it like an MKX or whatever. uh, that would end up being under recall. they had a recall on those from failing. The other one was a Ford Windstar way way back in the day.

just think of another one, but hardly hardly any of them. But I've literally done tens of thousands of brake jobs I Can't say I've ever, uh, really seen it be an issue. and just because you do a lot of something doesn't mean you do a lot of something, right? So don't don't take my word for it. But just based on my experience, I've never seen it to be an issue.

151 on this and the only reason we mention it because there seems to be an awful lot of people in the comments that say like every time they do it, they ruin an ABS pump which I'm like, well you have some super bad luck man or I didn't see that move did you gotta be careful? We just mentioned that we like to feed the trolls and just kind of, you know, put the bed some of those Miss your brake fluid's constantly moving back and forth in your system as you're stepping on the brakes, letting off them and you know if your ABS pump is active at any point. So if it didn't, your brake master cylinder fluid would probably never get dirty or darken or whatever you want to call it. But again, I'm not an expert on that whole scenario. What I do know is that the majority of Manufacturers that you look at rarely will you see in service data where they tell you to open the bleeder or remove the hose or anything like that.

so some manufacturers do, but most of them don't Okay, okay here towards the end of the day. uh, wheels are on I torqued them up, torquing them down. Whatever you want to call it, the wheels run, they're tight. Let's see.
what did this car come in with screaming wheel bearing? I Know that? let me throw my seatbelt real quick, Stand by? Yeah. I Had that wheel bearing that was screaming and then you got the blind spot Monitor and all that stuff. Oh, we gotta throw an inspection sticker on it yet. ended up a four-wheel brake job.

wheel bearing ended up doing that rear harness. No more screaming wheel bearing. so that's good. No more lights on the dash I Probably should reprogram our TPMS for Mission also because I had the tires off it and I'd open on side to side I don't think I did, but I'll just go through and I need your help with what everything life in general or that one thing that I'm really helpful with.

All right, gotta talk to people just embarrassing me. You just start. hey, you're making me blush I Gotta talk to the people here. Okay, maybe in just a minute.

Okay, all right. well that's it folks. We've got the Buick done 80 almost 88, 0.87 and some change. Of course you probably saw that.

Um, of course the bill is different now because we ended up doing you know, four wheel brake job on it. But I think I showed you the estimate in the beginning of this video because some people question that sometimes like how much does stuff costs, that's a eight thousand dollar job. Why would somebody do that? Um, perhaps I'm very far removed from what other shops are charging, but according to my profits and losses, we do. Okay, so we're going to continue to be at the rate in which we're at, if that makes sense.

Um, just out there to help people out folks, make a little money and go on with their life. And uh, I want you guys to go on with your life as long as it's going on. In that comment section, that was a big stretch there folks. NC The Facebook You guys know where to find us.

We're not on Tick Tock because that's some scumbag who's stealing our videos. But we're right here. You know where to find us and those are my viewers. If I know you can do it pointed too quick there Have a good day Foreign.

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