Axle DESTROYED! “Can’t be done” they said! Dodge Ram 1500 5.7 Hemi 4x4

Hello everybody! Good day to you! Welcome back! We are uh, digging into a 2007 and 2008 third. E350 Conversion box cargo van I Think this is a retired U-Haul Van And it, uh, it does other civilian duties now. uh I need to kind of nose this thing up into the shops. um Customer: States Coolant leak.

Uh, it's been here since yesterday, starting as the engine. There we go. We did an oil change and an inspection on it I Didn't record any of that but I did have a complaint again. Customer: States Vehicle overheating while driving.

it did uh, it did go hot on the gauge a couple times. Uh, when I talked to him I thought it had some low coolant. That's usually the uh, the primary reason for uh for an overheat or a or an intermittent gauge. Spike Like let's say, you're driving and you're at a red light and all of a sudden you know you start to get that creep up in temperature but then you start to go again.

then that temp comes down. It can very well be a, uh, a low coolant level. So what we're gonna do here is popping in the hood and we're gonna bust out the cooling system pressure tester. I Added a a couple gallons of water to the system earlier.

Didn't see anything leaking out of it. there's our hood latch I Didn't see it immediate leak. so let's go ahead and pressure test it. It's a closed system meaning there's no there's no vent at the cap so this should, uh, it should present the leak fairly quickly now.

although we can't see it because it is a van configuration. This particular Ford is equipped with the 6.8 liter. V10 Gasoline engine Powerhouse Okay, if we take a look, we can see there's the coolant level on the bottle. This is a cold engine.

It's been sitting overnight. so let's get that thing connected to the pressure tester. Let's pressurize the cooling system and we're going to look down below and see where we cannot. Uh, if we cannot locate the leak now.

Pressure System tester. it's up here under all this stuff. Oh, what do we got here? That's heavy. That's a bearing kit.

Yeah, it's big old bearing press kit. Premiere Other one. Whoa. What's this? What is this? Hang on here I Don't recognize this.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the uh, my exhaust back pressure tester. There we go. There's our coolant tester. Perfect All right, let's crack this case open here.

Standard blow molded case. We've got a thermal meter. I Haven't unpackaged that? We've got our pressure vessel here. That's the pump that will pump up through the line into uh, one of the various adapters that go on on a multitude of vehicles.

We've got. uh, big ones. We've got small ones. We've got threaded ones.

We've got ones with O-rings Got the whole steel right here. So let's roll this thing over to the truck, get it set up, and uh, check for that leak thing set up. So we've got a threaded cap. Over Yonder So I believe we're gonna need that one's threaded I think this is the one.

Let's get that guy screwed on. There we go. Cat clickage. Not too tight.
We don't want to pull the plastic threads out. it's not designed for, uh, for boat loads of torque. So then you connect this guy right here like a quick disconnect. It's got a pressure release for when we're done.

and just like a bicycle pump, we just got to go ahead and pump this thing up. Where are we at? Seven pounds, bring it up to like 12 13 pounds. Now the bright side is it's not dumping its pressure out. So that tells me that we have like a slow leak somewhere.

We know it leaked because the coolant was low. like I said I put two gallons of water in this so it was super low. All right. where are we at? About 12 pounds? That's good.

Let this thing hang out for a minute and we'll crawl down below. Look around for some fluid. All right creeper coming in. Let's get down here and see what we got.

We're all climbing around I would say rolling in the dirt, but the floor is freshly clean and scarified so there's no dirt to roll in. Yep, look right here. I've already got some drip action. see that there's some coolant and looks like it's coming right out of the bottom of this radiator.

See that fitting right there with the trans cooler fitting goes in. There's another cooler inside of this tank down here that goes from that fitting over here to that fitting and it looks like the plastic tank for the coolant is leaking around where that internal cooler comes out of the the radiator. So, uh, we're putting the radiator in this. That's what we're looking like.

We go ahead and get this thing ordered in the pipeline and then, uh, we can proceed and begin the repair procedure. Oh look, my lucky day, there's a drain on it. Yeah, a little petcock valve right there. Yep, that's perfect.

Awesome now. I Can drain this out without pulling a hose? Okey-dokes We're gonna go ahead and get this radiator replaced. I Need to peel away all of this intake stuff and whatnot. Our radiator sitting right over here, so we got to lose this.

Get the fan shroud off, get rid of the air box, disconnect the hoses, drain the fluid out of it, and then we can pull that unit out after we pull the lines and now cooler hoses off of it and get it changed out with the new one. So I'm going to need a drainage bucket You? we'll slip that down below the drain. I'll go down there and take the thing loose, and uh, get the systems rained out. Let's see here, we're gonna need 18.

I think it's three-quarter inch for uh, for that little drain valve, but 19 is the same size. one is metric, one is. Let's go ahead and depressurize the system. Rapid depressurization beginning.

Come here. Got it? Let's lose the adapter. We don't need that anymore. dude.

put our cap up there for safekeeping. Don't lose that. Yeah, since this cap is off, this thing will drain very quickly because air will not have to displace the coolants in the system. So all I need to do is go down here and disconnect that down.
or unscrew. Rather, unscrew that valve and we should get some fluid flow here. Begin draining sequence. Now come on there, we go.

Let it ride goodbye. Alrighty, so first off, we need to get this, uh, air filter assembly unbolted and removed. Let's get all our screws and whatnot out. Should just be these four bolts and then the clamp and the unit will come free.

We're just, uh, peeling back the onion right here. Check it out. Oh look at that. We've got a mass airflow sensor connector.

it was hiding. Just unconnect that guy. Come here. Oh, come off there we go.

Got it? That's our Mass there bro. Set that stuff aside I think I can get away with leaving. You know what? I'm gonna pull this out. it'll probably make my life a little easier in the long run here.

Bear with me I've got just one little clamp back there. There we go. I could have left this in but couldn't. Hard to get it out of the way.

We do have a big ginormous radiator coming out of this thing. After all, let's get to work on this upper hose. Let's pull this guy loose. I Think there's been enough drainage where this hose should be empty and it is good.

I'll just tuck that back there for now. and on top of this radiator, we've got one bracket that holds the top, another bracket over there. so we've got two 10 mil bolts here. two more over there.

Let's get these guys back out loud on Clickers There's those two and then two more off to our left. One of them is hiding behind this piece of plastic. So I need to backtrack and take this thing off too. Yeah I Thought I was being slick and getting this done at like light speed now I Gotta slow my roll and take out plastic screws.

Yeah, for some reason some engineers invented plastic screws. It's the same as like a push pin type of clip except it's threaded. I I Don't know why I Don't like these because look at this one, you try to unscrew it and the base will rotate so you got to kind of hold the base while you take the screw out. when again.

I Think a push clip would have just been better. Oh, that's a Civil War in the comment section right there we go. All right now. this is plastic bit of business can come out.

We don't need this right now. One more. Bowl There we go. So we pull that bracket off, we can pull this bracket off.

We'll set these guys aside. so let's move in a little closer here. I Think that I can just disconnect this shroud from the radiator. There's an eight mil and another one over there and maybe just pull the Shroud up and then push it back at that point I should have clearance between the Shroud and the radiator.

I can then disconnect the radiator with all of its hoses and whatnot and pull it straight up and out. If that's not going to work, I'm going to have to come back here and take the clutch fan off the water pump, but for the time being I'm going to attempt to leave that on. It's kind of a shortcut. It's kind of risky because I don't know if I can pull it off, but I'm at least going to try.
Okay, let's start with the surge tank hose. We will unscrew this one right here. Get that hose detached. wiggle that clamp back.

Oh, that's kind of crusty too. Okay, put that thing aside. Let's do an eight mil on the shroud. Get that shroud disconnected on kickage.

Is that one one more over here. Now again. I Won't be able to pull that shroud all the way out because the fan is in the way. but I think I can disconnect it enough.

reach behind it. Um, you know. Nope. I Abandoned this whole idea.

Let's go ahead and get that, uh, that fan off of there I don't I don't like the way this is working out. it's it. I'm not going to be able to get good access I think to the hoses down below and yeah, I'm just going to go ahead and pull the fan out for a better view here. I'm quick driver, it's just an air hammer and I'm gonna get on that nut on that fan clutch and we're going to break that nut loose.

You probably can't see that it's close quarters combat down there, but we've got it turning and once it's broken loose, you can just turn it by hand and it'll walk its way off of the water pump. Let's see if we can't trying to see a little bit better around that hole. I Can't even see there we go. now.

when this gets to the end of the threads, you got to be kind of careful with it. You don't want to. uh, let it fly off and smack into the radiator. Oh I Jumped all right now.

we look left a little bit here. I can pull this fan assembly up and out. Come here fan, come on. what are we doing? Oh, it's stuck.

The blade is stuck on the radiator there. Come on out dude. All right. Now that I've gotten out of my own way with my shortcuts, let's extract this shroud that's going to free up loads of space to maneuver.

Let's get this thing out. Goodbye shroud. Here we go. and now we can get to everything we need to get to.

Nice easy gravy work. I Like it all right. So you guys are down here in front of the alternator. You're looking down where the fan would normally be and we can see that there are one, two lines or two transmission lines.

There's one right here, the other one's right over here. and then we've got the lower hose. so the clamps on these are pointed down and since we're working from the top, I'm just going to give these like a little bit of a Twist at the clamp and we'll rotate this clamp up where I can I can see it manipulate it if I can I'm going to come out of there. it's going to make me crawl down below.

What is this All right? Well, you guys stay here. I'm just gonna go down below the clamps on clamps I Thought I was going to be able to spin those around but uh I thought wrong dirt blew in my face I do have hose clamp pliers but they have to come broken and I need to order another set. so I'm not using hose plant pliers I'm using regular pliers. Okay I got one of them disconnected producing Here Comes number two right here.
Oh yeah, I can see you. there's that one and then there's the big one right here that goes on the uh, the lower hose. I'm kind of getting out of the way in case this one comes off I don't want it to spray coolant down my face. That would not be okay.

Wiggle this guy back. Yeah, it's leaking I'm gonna need a second drain pan. just that hose. Well this hose comes off.

it's going to bring or when the plant comes off, it's going to bring the hose with it I think maybe not okay and all. I am is wrong every time I kind of I guesstimate something. It proves to be inaccurate here. Let's get these.

uh, this trans line removed. we'll give it a wiggle smaller. come online. Maybe I can pry it off I don't want to damage it.

Hmm here let's try this. a little trim tool, pry bar action, some leverage against it and then with that in place, we'll give it some twists. I don't want to cut this line because then I gotta get a whole another line I don't want to do that I don't want to cut it I don't want to damage it. gotta be gentle.

It's a sensitive bird. It's moving a little bit at a time, but it's moving There we go. We're gonna dump some transmission fluid here in a second. There we go.

Got that one off? we can repeat over on the other line. I Hope this one comes off with some a little easier now. I See corrosion and build up under there. also.

same boat. Okay, let's give this some twist action here. Break open that that surface adhesion, see all the crust falling out of it? Oh I Looked up and my GoPro was turned off. It got too hot anyway.

I got that uh, that other transmission cooler line removed? You see you're dangling down right there. The only thing left to pull off before this radiator comes out is going to be that lower hose. So I'll try to get right back behind it again with our pry driver and we'll just push the thing right on off. All right.

Okay, we got it. got it. Thing is disconnected and push this hose down so we can get the maximum amount of coolant drainage. All right.

All right. All right. I I Think my commentary was cut off again because the GoPro shot off again. It's really hot in this third stall section of the shop.

There's not the airflow that the other side has. and I think my camera keeps overheating. Uh, anyway, that is inconsequential to you guys, except for in fact, you get to miss out on whatever I was talking about. But uh, back at the task at hand.

I've got this thing disconnected from all the hoses. Oh, let's just get her pulled up and out. She's free I think Yep, let's get this bad boy removed and extracted radiator coming out here we go. Let's close that up for good measure.
Set this unit aside. All right. Quick side by side comparison. Old unit and new unit.

Let's make sure everything starts to line up. We've got the surge tank little connector slash nipple. We've got the brackets for the shroud upper hose. We've got trans cooler lines right here.

those match up with the ones on the old unit good and we have provision for the lower hose and our drain valve. I Think that's the drain valve. It is new or no. No, that's a drain valve that's a like a purge valve.

Maybe like an air purge. Or it could be another fitting for, uh, another hose. Either way, that exists. That is one difference.

this thing is here. This one just has a plug that is of no matter. This appears to be the correct Dimensions size shapes and all that good stuff. So let's get this unit installed.

Just drop it right down in, get stuck on some hoses. Yep, just the same way dude. Very good. It slipped into its little brackets at the bottom.

I Like it. Speaking of brackets, let's just go ahead and toss these on real fast just to keep this thing in position and we can go back down in there and get those hoses reconnected. Boom The bar here. Let's get that's a trans line.

We'll plug that one in roll and I can't reach that other one too far away. I Need a hand extension? There you go. Get that up there. I'll get the clamps from down below and I'll probably have to get that lower hose from down below.

Let's try it. I think I Can I think I Almost didn't come on there. wiggle it. Got it? Okay, hoses are on.

Let's go down below and get them connected. All right. Rolling back down, we're on the creeper again. We just need to get under here and get these clamps re-clamped Come here.

pliers. There we go. This one's right in front of us. We'll get that one first.

Get on there. Good. These are some tough clamps too. It requires quite a bit of flangy strength to get them all set up.

Rear Stubborn clamp Orient that the way I found it right? Like so okay. that one's good. Let's get this. uh, second one in here.

that one set up there. we go. That one's good. And now for the Big Kahuna the lower hose clamp for the radiator up.

Gotta open up my pliers some here. It's hot down here. the camera's gonna die again. I Can I can feel it? Look at that guy in all the way.

Come on. get on there. there we go. Okay, all the bottom hoses are now connected back up top.

Let's get the Shroud and the fan on and then uh, we'll get the upper hoses. We're good to go here. Okay, shroud's coming in. It's got little Clips at the bottom of it that are going to engage the lower support.

Let's get these hoses out of the way. There we go. Shroud's going down so we need to just slip the Shroud into those little grooves on the clips and that'll secure the bottom of it. Then we slide the the fan in and then we can Bolt the top of the Shroud to the radiator.
All right, biscuits. clutch fan coming in again. I'm taking care to not contact the fins on the radiator. I Don't want to poke a hole in it for the fan blade.

It happens. We'll get this thing started, we'll spin it on there we go. wait till that thing bottoms out and it'll just take one little tap with the impact driver and that'll secure enough torque to keep it from uh from falling off. It's good.

So the Fan's in place, the shroud's in place. Let's go ahead and get the bolts in for the shroud. We'll start getting everything tightened up. Very good.

There's uh, there's one of the eight Mil bolts again threading. Come on there we go. Leakage number two got it all right. I'm just gonna reach back in here with the Uh the Chisel and give a couple little Taps on this.

uh. clutch fan tight. Very good. Okay, upper radiator hose.

That guy is going on. Next, we've got the surge tank hose. That one's going on. After that, you can start to get the bolts in or our upper brackets come here.

Come lined up there. we go. two more and that one there. Get on there there.

10 mil Action down. Men in Nice and secure. Awesome! Okay, let's get this clamp tight before I Forget. It's horrible when you forget these kinds of clamps because usually hey, what are you doing, Wake back up.

This battery is not okay. Um, these like I was saying these types of clamps. They're kind of easy to forget and once you put uh, once you put your antifreeze in, what can happen is it'll actually seal with just the hose being there. But then once the vehicle drives and leaves and pressure builds up, it can actually push that hose off and then it'll come back to you on a tow truck.

and uh, and that would be bad. We don't want to do that. You never want your cars coming back on a tow truck. They can show up on a tow truck and that's fine.

But when they return on a tow truck, yeah, that's your fault, you did that. So anyway, but we're not bringing this one back in a tow truck. That would be horrible. Inexpensive, horribly expensive.

I Don't want to do that either. Anyways, we got one more clamp I need to switch out my socket up over here, babbling on rambling. There it is. That's the seven.

Let's get that last clamp way back in the back on and we can get the air box back on. mass airflow tight and then we're good to go. here. There we go.

Flickage. Come on now. more tighter. Battery's not working out for me.

No matcher. I've achieved tightness that's good here. Before we get in too deep, let me put this uh, little shroud cover thing back on up. There we go because the two bolts for the air box are going to have to come over top of this cover.
air filter box coming in and it goes in this orientation. Let's plug in the mass airflow sensor or it will run horrible. It's also the intake air temperature sensor, so there's technically two functions in, uh, in one component that's good to have that saves on the parts count, makes things not cost as much. Okay, Air Box is in.

We've got four more Fasteners to go. that one, that one, and then two up top here at the firewall. Get in there. There we go.

Let's get these guys tight. Let's finish off first two clickage times two. and then we've got the little snorkel that goes at the end of the air box. Here there she is.

it's gonna go up in the groove, down And in that little slot right there. There we go a couple push pins which are actually screws and then all we've got to do is add some coolant, check the trans fluid level, let her run come up to Temp Make sure the thermostat opens up and uh. Dos Auto will be complete I know this one's not actually dos Auto that's uh, reserved for uh, the Volkswagens right? Tight, Tight, tight and not tight. One more clamp to go I have pickages? All right.

Got it? Let's refill the jug with some coolant. Uh yes, this says uh Prestone antifreeze coolant. but this is BG coolant. It's my drum of the good stuff.

Didn't mean to do that I miscalculated my calculations made a mess. First gallon coming in and I have just noticed an error I Have not yet installed the hose clamp spelling hose clamp for this surge bottle I Must not forget that. Fill it on up. I Think the system is going to take like three to four gallons.

We'll see be back when it's full. All right guys, we've got just over three gallons in this. Beast Let's go ahead and reach around here, grab hold that key and restarting the engine. live looking heat up.

picking up the coolant, thermostat open up and then we'll recheck our final coolant level in a moment. All right guys, we're full up on our surge tank just slightly above the minimum level. I'm sorry the maximum level. Go ahead and uh, get that cap back on.

We've got the clamp on clamp. clamp. clamp that clamp this is tight. these are on.

that one's on. Lower Hoses are on there I Checked translucent. you guys weren't looking. That stuff's good to go.

We are up to operating temperature and I think we're in good shape here. Problem has been solved. There is no more leaky, leaky radiators because radiator is gone. So that being said, this truck's about to get going.

This video is about to get going. and I will, uh, go ahead and close this out right about now. I'll do such things as always by thanking each and every one of you guys for watching this video. I Hope you enjoyed this radiator replacement video.

If you did enjoy this video, please feel free to let me know about that by tapping that like button down below. Drop me a comment or two while you're down there and most importantly, have yourself a great day. See you guys later in the video end of card end of radiator into transmission Finalized Powering down.

94 thoughts on “Ford 6.8 v10 overheat while driving!”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Grant Allan no s says:

    Hahahaha. First watch of this vid. The infamous Ford plastic screws. Bane of my life when doing fit outs on new Rangers here in Australia.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars brian thompson says:

    Best one handed mechanic I've ever seen!

    I don't think you'd be much quicker with two! Lol

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bio-Tech Larry says:

    Excellent video. Now I understand how mechanics can forget to tighten up radiator and heater hoses during re-assembly. A couple of my friends have had it happen just like ya said. Engine warms up and Pooshe! hose off, steam everywhere.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Gomez says:

    OK GOT IT.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gregory Gomez says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dave Drew says:


  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars xXCigarXx says:

    Out of curiosity how many hours did it take you to complete this job? I assume the filming adds a significant amount of time.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Giovanni Smith says:

    Dont you have to be careful mixing coolants cuz they can gel up or something? Shop class was 4 years ago, so I may be wrong. Tech schools too expensive for me and life got in the way

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Cooper says:

    A 6.8 litre V10 … for a delivery van…this size engine would be more suited to a semi-trailer. Nothing succeeds like excess, I guess…

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxx Michael says:

    hope u replace both hoses and also top off the trans fluid …. I'd also do the thermostat as well … that an old abused van.. so better be safe then sorry

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Maxx Michael says:

    really need a go pro or some other attachment.. ur video would be slot better and u cns use both hands

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars D.O.M Gaming says:


  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Joe Brumfield says:

    Troy may need to do some labeling on plastic “mystery “ equipment cases.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Corey Babcock says:

    I replaced my radiator on my 98 Ford e250 van easy job to do

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Perry Dua says:

    Ray Ray Ray; why are you apologizing if you’ve done nothing wrong??? Why would you apologize when you don’t mean it? Now, apologize for not meaning your apology and then apologize for apologizing! 🤣🤣🤣

    Love your content, man!

    Don’t let the loud and weak control your tongue too much! 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christopher Jackman says:

    I had an 86 GMC van and hated working under the hood. Love the content.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oldblue’s HHR channel says:

    Why blame the engineers? It’s the bean counters that wanted to save time and money on assembly.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Eric Overholt says:

    Man, I was stressing over that overflow hose clamp! Glad your SOP to triple check caught it.

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars L Jerry says:

    Dad auto is nicht gut

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ktm083 says:

    Its ford which is junk

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Panther Platform says:

    I just got a 2001 F250 V10 to run and drive after the engine seized and sat for two years. Gotta love the 2 valves.

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Rose says:


  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brad Rose says:


  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon A. - Bass4001 says:

    MAF harness looked awful close to alternator pulley on reinstallation.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars repeatman says:

    I can confirm thats an old uhaul truck. As for engineers, some of them, guy came in for the smallest trailer. He looked at it and laughed cause he knew his son wouldnt be able to fit all his stuff into the trailer. I asked him what his son did for a living (Automotive mechanical engineer). His sons common sense was missing. 😅

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars superloopy24v says:

    Nice work, sometimes the amount of head scratching and figuring out how to get the result you want is quite a lot, but the reward of getting it right makes it worthwhile even without factoring in the cost saving. I know I often fix things I should have just replaced and could have easily afforded to, but just have that mentality of wanting to fix or modify something regardless.

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Landon says:

    cheap swamp cooler big fan large radiator subpump and big tub fan on back of rad subpump to inlet of rad hose on outlet of rad to tub put sub in tub fill with water turn on fan and pump cheap cooling

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kirk Gould says:

    Ray, I have a 2004 Chevy avalanche 1500 Z71 with 191;000 miles on it and I noticed it's running a little rough but it's bringing up a po430 code bank 2 sensor 2, will a tune up fix it or do you think the problem is something else? I ordered plugs, wires, coils, PCV valve and new 02 sensors for it, I'm unsure if it's injectors but I need some suggestions on how to find out what's wrong with my truck. It's sluggish too.thanks!

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars A V says:

    Why are the nuts and bolts in metric?

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Finn Sailing says:

    how about the lower hose clamps? i didnt notice you tightening them. great job once again

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lunas Eclipse says:

    Ray it isn't engineers mistakes you are fixing it is accounting's mistakes…

    I mean the reason why anything is the way it is. The drive to increase profits all that plastic is cost savings. What is cheaper an all aluminum welded radiator or plastic capped core…

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ross K says:

    Silicone spray does wonders for removing/installing hoses.

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shawn Stillman says:

    Why is it that the super light toolsets always have the molded super strong handle. While the HEAVY AF toolsets get the super chincy flippy handle?!?!

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stan Brown says:

    No hose replacement "while you were there"?

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bobbg says:

    Its them dam plastic screws the base spins and the screw wont backnout of that are the worst you need 4 hads to get them out or just drill em out. Dont tell me you haven't delts with one.
    As far as foeds go they are a one time use item they get replaced anyway, but who the helss got a box of 10k of them laying around?
    Oh and they come is 25 different colors.

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars cengeb says:

    Shroud of turan?

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Young says:

    Engineers versus mechanics. Nothing 'civil' about that particular war!

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pat K says:

    Hey Ray, I too used to blame engineers but I have since found out that they designed a perfectly wonderful setup and by the time the bean counters get through with it it gets totally fubared.

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antonio Claudio Michael says:

    Great video Ray on the Ford Econoline Van with the leaking radiator for the 6.8L v10 2 valve @Rainman Ray's Repairs

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clay Sharanowski says:

    have a super day

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jcableman says:

    Do you ever pressure test after the repair?

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gueeguee68 says:

    Ray you left your light on top of the engine.

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob says:

    Before you mentioned the worm clamp vs. constant pressure clamp comparison, I noticed that all of the lower hoses are constant pressure and likely factory installed. I don't understand why mechanics choose to use the worm-gear clamps since they are much less reliable. Is it money, difficulty, efficiency or what? Curious because I lost a complete head (overheating) as a result of incorrect clamp installation. No help from the garage and the car was trashed.

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Fix says:

    lol one of my favorite words….petcock.

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Simr Khera says:

    Reee crusty hoses on new radiator

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OathTaker3 says:

    The best engineers started off as the best mechanics…🤔.

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars oldodger gray says:

    Are you sure it's a 2008 E 350 ? Looks older than that…

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rafa.g.d says:

    I'm faily sure at least one engineer that designed this car is upset about those plastic screws

  49. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Stevens says:

    Looking at the shape of some of the hoses and how soft some were, I am shocked you didn't replace them all.

  50. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Francis says:

    does anyone else when ray has his arm in tthe way and you cant see lean to the side to try and see past his arm or is it just me 😛

  51. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Madd Dawg says:

    I miss the doo lii doo shop phone rings. Are you getting one of those shop ringers installed? lol Sorry that's almost trolling!

  52. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Hunter says:

    No nice and shiny with the brake clean? Bitterly disappointed!!! 🙂 I suppose it would be unfair on the customer to charge for all that brake clean.

  53. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brent Leslie says:

    While you were there, you might as well have changed the upper and lower hoses, they didn’t look great.

  54. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stefan Wobst says:

    I love your videos, but…. why do Americans overfill the max mark almost every time? Max meens MAXIMUM ! So don't overfill. There is a reson why there is a MAX mark and not everywhere bigger is better. I know it's somehow your kulture, but please teach the people to stay BETWEEN MIN and MAX.
    I don't explain the reason, because you know it.
    Verry huge Fan!!

  55. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Austin Bober says:

    Two things Ray: the hose clamps on the overflow line and the air intake hose were driving me insane until you fixed 'em lol and, who makes that coolant system pressure tester?

  56. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MILKY FARTS says:

    Ray what brand of vehicles do you see broken more

  57. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars C B says:

    Wow that is one big azz radiator! LOL

  58. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OURv says:

    I've long felt that auto engineers all have dad's who work as mechanics.
    And they all HATE their Dad so they design cars to be as difficult as
    possible to get back at their old man. What other reason could there
    possibly be?


  59. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mary Mulrooney says:

    Did he remember to tighten the radiator fan with the tool thing so it won't come unscrewed? I must have missed it if he did.

  60. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Malone says:

    Yes there are engineers here .(me) . we dont skimp …its the bean counters who compromise quality

  61. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ric Barker says:

    I have so many plastic/wood carry boxes holding special tools that it becomes a real head f^%# working out which one I need. I ended up getting a silver or black marker and writing on all four sides of the container what tool is in there. Makes life real easy.

  62. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dylan lindsay says:

    definately a retired u-haul van! i can tell just by that guage just below the drivers side grab handle!

  63. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars sta snider says:

    Good morning Ray

  64. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chad delong says:

    Ray you need some of the foam mats you can lay down on the floor with or yoga mats work good as well. Save your knees a little. Keep up the awesome work 💪🏻

  65. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stanley Mcfalls The Southern Comedian says:

    What’s up my sexy friends

  66. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Hall says:

    I understand you are a very mechanic. I also understand that you are known for a doing above average work on various kinds of cars, trucks, and van. That being known, why in the world would touch, let along, reach inside, someone's vehicle with those nasty, dirty, hands. Have some respect for other peoples property. 🤔

  67. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gimmeaford says:

    So many Enginerds couldn’t work on the crap they design.

  68. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kenneth Kay says:

    Those hoses and cooler lines look cooked….while you're there, why not replace with new? (especially this being a light commercial truck in a hot hostile environment)

  69. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rod Mackay says:

    I'm an engineer Ray, and I still agree with you 100%. Those threaded plastic retainers are dreadful.

  70. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BrandonD says:

    What brand is the back pressure tester?

  71. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron Sloan says:

    Hey Ray, thank goodness it was just the rad you had to work on with that. That's a whole lot of motor in the front of that truck. Interesting video for sure. Cheers!

  72. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim B says:

    I just don't agree with taking out all the protective closures BEFORE passing them all past the filth of an an engine compartment.
    Also a [sunglasses] 'fan' of cardboarding the radiator fins.

  73. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Davidson says:

    I have never been successful of removing fan off water pump.

  74. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gomer Hondo says:

    Question : how do you test that type fan clutch?

  75. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars thinkpad4 says:

    I finally saw the decimal point on the odometer. I thought it was 1.6 million miles but no, it's only 160K

  76. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kneedeep says:

    Im an engineer but i dont design anything. Im a test engineer. For example id test every system that makes the engine work. Im just a glorified mechanic pretty much.

  77. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Johnson says:

    Thanks for another great show

  78. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bruised Banana says:

    Pressure vessel, noice.😊

  79. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars davesherman74 says:

    Heh, I'm an engineer, I got a chuckle on your comment. I have actually worked on things hands-on, and yes, I'll admit I've had designs that seemed like a good idea, then later found out they weren't so great. I'll get word back from our tech support folks and our repair techs and then realize that some of our customers are very good at finding all the weak points. So, we learn from our mistakes and make them better.

  80. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Craig Quann says:

    I fully agree. Stupid idea to have a plastic screw. I've yet to have one actually come out without having to just break it.

  81. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RepoDraghon says:

    I believe that plug area that on the new radiator has a screw in it is actually there as a way to make the water flow a lot easier when draining the radiator much like leaving the cap off of the expansion tank like you did earlier. I know my BMW had that when I had one and boy was that car nightmare…

  82. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tim Wickersham says:

    Freezer ice packs,,,take em out of the freezer,,,put em in a sandwich bag,,,moisture,,,and hold them next to the cameras,,,it helps…dig the channel man….🤓🍻💯🇺🇸

  83. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Donald Scott says:

    Who had the idea a plastic radiator was a good idea?

  84. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Piper says:

    It's a Ford, junk it. The next Civil War we have needs to point a nuke at the Ford plant. 😆

  85. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rude Dogg says:

    Heh heh pet cock

    Shut up Beavis I'll kick your ass

  86. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Thurlby says:

    Why don’t you use a head mount camera

  87. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James and Morrison says:

    Reuse that rubber trans. line? Not good..

  88. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Guy Cripplecock says:

    It's a vuck lol

  89. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PokeFan says:

    To the engineer who put my transmission 1cm away from my control arm bolt, screw you.

    To the engineer who designed my Toyota Camry, thank you.

  90. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Dulu says:

    When you were screwing in the air box and you did not at first fully secure the top bolts I was already typing in my head about how you left those screws loose. I trigger happy today LOL

  91. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TFSFireman says:

    I had a 1989 Ford RV with the 7.5L gas engine. When I removed the Rad, I had to remove the fan to avoid fin damage to the Rad.

  92. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ramsey Williams says:

    OMG! Ray used a socket on a hose clamp instead of a flat blade screwdriver. Be still my heart. 🙂

  93. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim's NB Homestead says:

    I love ❤️ you man. You're amazing

  94. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jellybrain says:

    This is exactly what I needed right now, having the same problem

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