In this video I have a look at a customers '14 Jeep Cherokee that has a complaint of SES light on with a misfire. After the diagnosis the customer states that I already replaced the injector! Oh..... did we now 😏
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Well let's see what the day has in store for us today folks. Apparently a Jeep with an engine light on and some kind of noise when you're driving on the road sounds like wheel bearing kind of the way the guy described it here. So move seat back here a little bit. 140,000 on it.

Let me see what year it is 2015 to the registration there money light is on. Whoo dude! I Almost felt like I had a misfire there. But auto start up Parking brake late All right. Well let's take it for a rep.

Hear what this noises. He told me it's not the brakes so we know it's not the brakes completely h on of gas so that's good. Got wheel bearing or something there in the right front maybe? huh? Yeah, like I say it sounds right front middle-ish area down here so that's kind of interesting. Well we'll go see what the engine lights's on for.

like I said. that's what he had his appointment for and then we'll after that we'll see if we can't uh find his noise I guess depending on what the uh engine light is I suppose but all I know we're not driving very far though. I'll tell you that scan is complete. We're going to go to report.

Let's see what we have. Engine Control module: This can't be right Driver Door a jar switch stuck cloth This can't be right. Um, so we got lots of codes here. Fuel Injector Circuit One Open These are all stored AC Pressure sensor High Electric Parking brake system failure Driver door a jar, two switch stuck close This is interesting just to make sure we're not being screwed by some wonky thing here.

Let's just go generic OBD2 It's always your safest bet before we get too excited about what we're seeing. Now that you guys get too excited. Okay, five codes monitors are all set so that's good. They haven't been doing the old code clear business see if this gives us the same diagnosis here.

So we got: random cylinder misfire It's funny I Drove it, it seemed fine. Cylinder 1 Cylinder 1 injector implausible vehicle speed signal receive That's interesting. So these are the four current codes: misfires and then the implausible vehicle speed signal received. so that's interesting.

Another current code down here: lost com with ABS module Well, that's pretty bizarre. Um, well let me see what we can do here. Let me talk to customer see if it's been misfiring. When we drove it there, it seemed to run smooth.

Maybe he was having issues with it. Uh, or maybe it's something that kind of craps out when it gets hot. but I don't know if we have enough gas in it to get it hot. So I'm told that it had a misfire and that's what we were uh, going to be looking at here.

Looks like it's got a ton of rock I just kind of poking through some of them codes like that AC Pressure high It does show the AC pressure sensor uh which I assume is this one here reading at 5 volts and you know 500 PSI which is implausible. So it appears that the codes are real and legit. Um, it's not misfire now. but let's see.

Uh, that stuff is. Uh, let's see what uh, we can figure out here folks. Not sure what this thing is. A big old fuse? Um, we can only kind of handle one problem at a time here.
I see some of the codes in it like I say the one for the AC It's a non- mill code, so it's a code that's not going to turn the engine light on, so it's likely something the customer is not aware of. Uh, same thing with the park and Brake business that's going on. Evidently he put a new caliper on the back and did some rear brakes. So you know, uh, that stuff back there is either uh, broken or missing or unplugged something like that.

So we're just going to focus on the misfire at this point or the potential misfire. I Guess the misfire that happens. Little screws in here I Looked on a wiring diagram I thought it said fuse number 28 was the ones that run the injectors. Um, I'm going to take a look here see if I can't find this.

uh without my glasses. number 26 27 28. Yeah, I must be wrong cuz that says TCM let me double check. What we'll do is we'll yank the fuse out that feeds the power to the injectors.

We'll throw a current clamp on it and we'll look at all of the injectors and see if one of drawn more current Or we'll let it warm up here in heat, soak, and see if one of them goes open circuited. particularly the number one. That would make sense with the code and with the misfire fuse number eight it says let's see here, let's see if we can't find. Okay yeah, Fuse F8 Fuel Injection ECM PCM is how it's defined here.

Uh, now we just need to find it on the box. F8 says it's right here at the very top. Of course with this crap on here makes it kind of stupid, but um, let's see F8 make sure we've got this going the right way. Should be this one right here.

So let's uh, get an adapter for that. Here's our AES Wave view test kit. Great bit of Kit of course I've put so much other things in it I don't know what came with it, what didn't So uh, let's see here. this is one of them funny business fuses.

so let's pull that out. so that's what kind of fuse that is there I don't know what you call them. Funny business is what I call them. Let's see if we can find the right adapter here.

So it's this one here. micro 2 They call it micro 2 30 amp So we'll put the fuse back into the holder. We'll stick that back into the fuse box and that gives us a a loop there to throw our current clamp on. In which case, we will use the Pico.

So I'm going to put it on this way. but I'm not dumb. so I'm going to flip it around cuz whatever way you think it goes, it's the other way. Least that's how it always works out for me.

So I'm going to reach in here, turn the steering wheel. see I can get the key Conta Oh, let's see here. what do we got going on? Oh, it's probably too much noise on that channel. Fuse feeds too many things here about.

yeah, nuts. Well, at least we got the clamp going the right direction, huh? We got props for that. Um, yeah, that he needs too many things. Well let me.
uh, let me see if we can grab onto this some someplace else. It's just too much noise to decipher here. So I looked on an Oem diagram here which wasn't super helpful cuz I was seeing this is the fuse that we went on. Fuse 8 comes down.

It does feed this auto shut down relay control output in the PCM So that's the other noise we were getting I Want to get just on this wire here at this connector? Uh, because that feeds? Uh, well. let's wait a minute here. Slow down there dude. Yeah, this one here the brown and white because that comes over and feeds all the injectors.

Okay, one injector 2, 3, 4, five, and six. Number one must be on a different diagram, but they just have it labeled here as inline engine connector. They didn't give a number on it, so that's super helpful. but we know it's pin One and it's a brown and white wire.

I Looked over here I See this connector here going under the intake and it looked like pin One or at least an outer pin was brown and white. So I got the current clamp down there and and was able to get it fished on that wire. So now let's see if we're on the right one. I'll probably have to clamp on backwards anyways.

Contact: Hey, we got it on the right way. Oh, look at that. We got an anomaly. We've got one that's drawing less current, which that would make sense, right? if it's going open circuited.

must be one has high resistance. so uh, resistance goes up, current goes down. So yeah, this should be all six injectors. so 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, six and then startch over one two.

Assuming that's number one, it's still opening though. we can see that right? Oops. let's hit play here. Let's change our time a little bit.

We'll just stop it when it's on the screen. So you see this little hump in the waveform right there. I Tell this at that injector is still opening because we should be able to see that on a good injector. You should be able to see that mechanical movement of the pinnel, right? Okay, so currents.

it's building up current. the pinnel moves, You get this little bump in there and then the injector open. So, uh, pretty neat. Neat.

Oh man. So yeah, we obviously have an injector that's getting wonky Now it's got to make sure it's number one. So how do we do that? Well, couple way, uh, we could. just the connector is kind of a pisser to get to, you go to the connector and you can measure the resistance of each injector and uh, you know, see which one has high resistance.

Um, pull the intake, measure them there. Uh, go based off the code. computer thinks it's number one. Uh, should be pretty accurate.

Pretty good assessment. you know, or assumption that that is. I'm hoping to go into a system check or special functions or active tests or something here and see if we can just do a cylinder, cut, cut, and just kill the number one injector and see if that just disappears on our scope so it's not there. Injector kill test.
Look at that. That's exactly what we want. Injector kill test engine must be running all and at operating temperature. Oh, it should be right.

We took a pretty little Drive Let's try not to run it too much cuz we got no gas. All right. So that's running I'll get our scope running over there I'll hit Okay, has to be 83 C We're at 78, so let me let it warm up here for a minute folks. We' hit the magic number.

uh. fuel Injector one's the first one that pops up. They're parading across the screen. I'm going to hit Okay, we're going to see if that disappears I think it did for a second.

but PR Sure, Tor turn the section screen. huh? Yeah, it didn't really do what we wanted it to do. Did it take? Okay, again, let's pick a different injector. Let's just try number two.

I Hit. Okay. watch the screen here. See that time we totally lost an injector.

Whatever is next to that one. Okay, Let's Escape Back out of here. let's go back there. Oh, we still lost it.

Must. We got to wait the prescribed number of seconds for that to come back. Let's just wait a second see if that injector. It's not our bad one, but we're missing one still here.

We've got to cycle the key. Well, let's just try to kill number one ready. We got the spinning wheel of Death over here. Test board it all right? Let me just cycle the key here real quick.

Back around and smooth as butter. Now all our injectors are back. We'll go back to Injector Kill Test Running at operating temperature, We still are Number One. Yeah, Do you see that it only killed it for just a second for some reason here.

the number One I paused it. let me back up a screen. I Saw it quit? Yeah, see, it was working here. It kills it.

only for what three? Cycles right there. and then it turns it right back on. So that's interesting I wonder why it does that? because obviously when we go in and kill another injector, it works just fine. But we could clearly see I think I mean this is definitive.

Obviously it's the number one, but I don't Maybe because it has a code for it. But if we pick a different injector here, let's get our scope running again. our scop running. I'm going to kill the number four.

Yeah, see. look at that. It drops it out, leaves it dropped out. I'm going to let this return to its screen under its own power this time and see what happens here.

But interesting though about that number one. huh? It's a pretty long second. Dude. Oh okay.

so after a time there, it turned it back on. So let's do this. Let's just uh, just so we can all kind of see this and agree. Kind of beating it to death here a little bit.

We'll put a lot of time on our screen. I'm going to kill the number one injector. Yeah, so we can see right here. It killed It for 1, 2, 3, four four tries and it kicks it right back on but doesn't really give us a reason why.
still goes into its normal countdown. So needless to say, it's definitive. Number One injector is high resistance 100% Got the fuel injector coming from Napper can't get an Oem one uh for this thing with the you know, the big strike and all that stuff going on at that point in life, it's the year October something or other of 2023 and I told the customer he needs an injector in which he informed me you already put an injector in it and I looked it up and he's right about year and two months ago we did a fuel injector in this thing on the number four-cylinder Uh, same same thing and how do I know it's same thing a I made good notes in our invoice and B apparently we made a video on this thing so I looked it up and sure is sugar. We did we uh did a video on this uh diagnosed it in the same exact fashion.

uh, using the same exact process. So this video is a is a repeat kind of a a double dumb and then I made a video of replacing the injector so there is no sense in going any further with this video. Uh, at least for this problem here with the injector. Uh, the guy's main concern is getting the misfire fixed in the flashing check engine light and all that.

So we're going to do the injector and go from there. I'm not going to have it till the afternoon I'm going to link to those two videos where we did the other injector, where we diagnosed that one and then where we replaced it. It is the same exact vehicle so my memory is not too good. I totally forgot about it but anyhow, probably worked on th000 cars between now and then.

but at any rate, you guys go down there and leave me a your comment for the thousandth time. Questions Comments: CN see the Facebook Look for the links for the video on how I fix this one and if I pull that in take off and it's anything other than just a open injector I'll let you know and just remember viewers. If I can do it, you can do it. Thanks for watching.

94 thoughts on “Repeat business: but you already did an injector!?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pricey0986 says:

    I ended up watching the vid from last year, did you replace the other 5 injectors? And that big fuse wasn't on the fuse box a year ago lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Duane Donaldson says:

    Thanks for the link in your PINNED comment, thanks for the diag also. DO YOU HAVE professional SHOP Software to ID old customers? Maybe MRS O. is a computer programmer and you created your own software, maybe you use MS Excel or Access, I am wondering why you did not know this car was in before, was it not annotated on the Work Order so you could review HISTORY? cheers.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mdefeo22750 says:

    Our power transmission flushes for a 2014 Honda accord he good or bad way to go to service the transmission. No issues with the transmission at this time and it has about 120,000 miles on it. Service was just performed on timing belt spark plugs etc. and everything else appears to be in good shape.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Smith says:

    As a retired class 8 truck mechanic I would like to say that in my opinion, you are the Peyton Manning of mechanics.

    I'm extremely impressed by your diagnostic skills and honesty with people.

    If I wasn't in Indiana I would be doing business with you and your family. I watched a video of you working with, I'm thinking daughter. I wish the best for her future as a mechanic under your guidance.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jonathanhart54 says:

    I wonder if it would be better to change all 3 injectors that you didn’t change before at this point then

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jonathanhart54 says:

    Man I’ve been meaning to get one of those M3 fuse loops, shame it doesn’t come with the picoscope kits or that terminal test kit

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars render8 says:

    Great job… Same comment I made year n half ago 😂👍

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars scott McIntosh says:

    Dr. O you are the best learned so much from you over the years !!! 😢

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Hanna says:

    Excellent !

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon A says:

    No gas NO SERVICE

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mart H says:

    Tip top!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ted says:

    Man i have learned so much about diagnostic especially the importance of good grounds

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert La Cob says:

    With that kind of mileage, those injectors were ready for rebuild.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Pack says:

    Judging by that car audio "install", the little we seen of it, i bet the kid that "diagnosed" it at advanced auto now works at the car stereo place and did that, that bass knob on the dash is epic fail 😂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Doe’s Garage says:

    If we can do it, it's probably because you showed us how to do it.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Darrin L Cummings Sr. says:

    Hey Eric. In my many years of diagnosing and repairing cars, I have learned to replace injectors as a set, instead of individually, especially when they are labor intense.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars darknature79 says:

    That big ol fuse is for after market audio system.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Andrew G says:

    Don’t feel bad! I probably watched that one and I didn’t remember either! Best reruns EVER…SMA!!!

  19. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anakin Palpatine says:

    Why would you drop your car without proper gas… Especially if it needs work. I would call the customer tell them I'm putting gas in the car and add the cost of gas plus labor time to the bill

  20. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars james deugan says:

    Nicely done

  21. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rotoR Col says:

    curious thing is why it kill the injector for only a seconds in this test when you used the kill injector test on this new video you posted of injector number 1 compared to injector number 4 that failed a year ago?

  22. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics says:

    Those Cherokees are pure garbage lol

  23. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Seth_Shed says:

    Sure as sugar

  24. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James George says:

    Went through this on a '16 Wrangler, replaced #6 injector Dec '22, now #1 is going open, hot. Customer wants to replace them all though.

  25. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Flight Forensics says:

    Can't you or Mr O take er down to the fillin' station…put a few bucks in 'er?

  26. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Resendiz says:

    Dejavue all over again

  27. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steven Resendiz says:

    Do they realize that they have 6 injectors and you only replaced 1 of them. No I doubt it LOL

  28. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bro man says:

    What color tickets do you use for comebacks? lol when i first started, they were pink now they orange. 😅 rarely i see these but how about everyone else?

  29. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dad Garage says:

    An 8-year-old Chrysler product with so many codes? Now I've seen everything.

  30. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Northern patriot907 says:

    Lmao 😂 that's why you call it the money light budda Bing budda boom eh should we change the whole bank or just that bad injector what's is best and when and why

  31. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars kn4cc says:

    About the glitch of the #1 not being killed for the full length of the test period; I have seen some vehicles that show the #1 as a default as it's at the top of the list but it's not really selected until you use the pull-down to check it off. The default works, but only until the software runs a few cycles.

  32. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sarge Freedom says:

    In another four years it will have all injectors replaced..

  33. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Commomsense1234 Smith says:

    At first I thought the aftermarket junk had the screws into a fuse…it does pay off Eric keeping good records.

  34. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gunga din says:

    Another great diagnosis. We know your technique works, tried n reproved
    Yearly injector failure, who would guess a French Italian car manufacturer. Fiat another scorpion sting in the arse😅

  35. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MRrwmac says:

    Eric, you diagnose and fix one thing, then another thing pops up. You know what I think….. there is a little gremlin that is switching the injectors when nobody is looking. Sneaky little buggers. Happened on a couple of fuel nozzles in a Huey helicopter we were flying routinely for scout missions. BTW, it was a foreign gremlin!

  36. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NBSV1 says:

    At this point I’d be wanting to replace all of them. Otherwise it’s looking like a once a year thing.

  37. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Reichl says:

    you're flipping amazing !

  38. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pork chop says:

    Eric how do you know all this stuff? Your an amazing tech dude and I always learn something even though I'm a home boy mechanic for 50 years

  39. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brandon Snider says:

    The other 4 injectors are going to fail soon.

  40. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Mankowski says:

    We love watching all your videos. Repeats or not.

  41. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars justforkiks29 says:

    Perfect example of why you replace them all when you are in there to begin with. That way, no comebacks for repeat issues. And no, this isn't directed at Eric O, I'm sure he suggested replacing all injectors, and the customer declined. Just makes the argument to replace them all.

  42. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DashCamAndy says:

    Repeat Business: something any Stellantis owner will quickly become familiar with. You ain't getting Toyota/Honda reliability from a company that owns Renault, Citroën, Peugeot, and Fiat. Mopar products nowadays just aren't what they used to be.

    The way that fuseholder for the amplifier is mounted… 🤦‍♂ Well, I guess I should give the owner/installer credit, at least they used a fuse, and mounted the fuse close to the power source. Amateurish install, but I've genuinely seen – and repaired – worse!

  43. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars GerardoSolorio1 says:

    Time to sell him the remainder injectors

  44. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MacDonalds Motorworks says:

    sub woofer fuse I bet… the volume boost is on the top of the dash

  45. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stationary Engines World wide says:

    Great video Eric..thanks for showing the other videos ,now I can get the popcorn going and have my evening entertainment provided by SMA.!

  46. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PhillLsx Ga. says:

    Lot wrong with that thing.
    I had a 2014 Silverado Z71, I worked it pretty hard and in 149,000 miles I only had to replace the radiator.
    No idiot lights nothing..
    Not one issue…

  47. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Steady Eddie says:

    I don't know which annoys me more, the customer who drops off their vehicle with the fuel gauge on empty, or the customer whos vehicle smells like a restaurant dumpster on a hot day.

  48. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob's Budget Builds says:

    I love the electrical troubleshooting videos – learn something new every time

  49. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars a e says:

    12 month 12,000 mile warranty

  50. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ALSAKU33 says:

    Those screws holding down that aftermarket fuse enclosure are too short

  51. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jeffrey bell says:

    You nearly said sure as shit.😂

  52. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bri says:

    Best of the best.

  53. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chris R says:

    Sure as shhuuuugar we did the #4 injector…..

  54. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sean Hayden says:

    Ain’t got no gas in it

  55. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 8avexp says:

    Deja vu all over again, as Yogi Berra would say.

  56. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Raul Escobedo says:

    I know it’s too late for this one, but a follow up, showing the scope pattern with the kill working properly on the cylinder would be great.

  57. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars seeya205 says:

    If I was the owner, I would have the other 5 replaced. They sound like they are at the end of their life so they are probably going to go one at a time until they are all replaced anyways.

  58. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Millar says:

    Well, how many times have we found a widgit faulty and recommended we replace an entire set (on the assumption that it saves on labour for a certainty of future failures) ? Especially Chrysler. Customer declines. I did a caliper replacement, but was only authorised for that one. Year later, its bro goes. Oh well.
    Beautifully done Mr. O. Classic Fault Finding. Not only do you have the right equipment, but you know what you are doing. Many mechanics just guess their way through, based on previous.

  59. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Howard Steffenson says:

    My name is Howie and I live in British Columbia, not too far from the Coquihalla connector highway.i really enjoy your videos. I'm curious why your brother said the tire chains in his tow truck are for the Coquihalla. Did he actually come this far from New York?

  60. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars schoat333 says:

    Typical chrysler injectors. I have replaced a lot of them.

  61. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leon B Little says:

    Customer is a muppet for arriving with no fuel in the car, even bigger muppet put them screws in

  62. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lucidbarrier says:

    I have the opposite problem, when I take my car to the mechanic and I have almost a full tank of gas, he drives it almost to empty. The first thing I have to do is drive it to the gas station again.

  63. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bulkchart 32 says:

    i sent my mom's car to the mechanic with a blown head gasket over a decade ago with no gas. a day or 2 later, i came with a 5 gallon gas can and put some in the tank. i felt kinda stupid for doing that after it had happened. now, i feel better about putting gas in the tank when the car was almost into the shop.

  64. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeremy Myers says:

    it would be cool if you could talk the customer into letting you fix the start/stop issue on the dash and could film it.

  65. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scurfie says:

    I think I would just bite the bullet and replace all the remaining injectors.

  66. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Mason says:

    The newer vehicles are junk I drive a 1988 Buick still has the bearings from factory still driving it to get parts has 230,000 on it

  67. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Frederick says:

    Six cyl? ..four more videos to come!

  68. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Sarty says:

    Hey Eric! Your AESWAVE kit link takes me to an item called MISCELLANEOUS for 1$ and no picture. did they change the link on you?

  69. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Anthony Makley says:

    Going to be interesting to see how Napa part last compared to OEM parts

  70. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Edward MacDonald says:

    Cuz inj circut codes set

  71. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OSTKCabal says:

    I didn't know a Cherokee with the 9 speed could make it to 140,000. And I say that as a Jeep owner. Lol

  72. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Bynum says:

    Raise your hand if watching Dr Eric O has caused you to start carrying on full commentary with yourself while fixing something … 🙋‍♂️

  73. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MeLlamoDJ says:

    Sure as sh…….sugar

  74. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sal Christiano says:

    So it’s a common occurrence with those engines?

  75. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Micro Softner says:

    What happened to the wheel bearing noise?

  76. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jesse Robertson says:

    "Sure as shi…..sugar" lol 😆 😂 🤣 i do the same when talking to the kiddos and catch myself

  77. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Peabo says:

    I forgot you had worked on this car too! Hopefully the other injectors will see out the vehicles life. Did you ever replace the oil cooler? I saw on the replacement video you say the owner had to bring it back for additional work.

  78. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Dirt says:

    So does this indicate that when you find one bad injector you should just replace all of them?

  79. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jay Judd says:

    ❤ Mr. O made me look. I love it when he is happy you can hear it in his voice. 😊😊😊

  80. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jose Martinez says:

    Dr. Diagnostic Eric OH my goodness. Almost said the S word but said sugar..amazing're a good guy

  81. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom Reuland says:

    I had a thought if your replaced injector number 4 and now number did you recommend that the rest be replaced while you are in there? Your thoughts?

  82. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Morales says:

    If only people knew how bad it is on the fuel system letting it get that low on fuel

  83. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Josh Rhoades says:

    This is bull snot, totally got jipped on this repair video! 😂

  84. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daryl Morgan says:

    Always good to watch you at work Eric even a repeat performance., I clicked onto the previous repair and i watched that when it came out also along with a like button click. Lol we all forget.

  85. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars adam j says:

    I would rather replace all injectors, spark plugs, or coil packs than just one individual. That way your not going to be like this guy a 1 year and a bit later replacing another.

  86. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Karen Cary says:


  87. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Hill says:

    It's the Johnny Cash Jeep, your gonna do it one injector at a time.

  88. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian McKirdy says:

    Nicely done, learned something here

  89. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Miserable Goat says:

    Want to Test your Patience? Become a Automotive Technician

  90. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars varanidguy says:

    And sure as s…s..sugar. lol Gotta love it.

  91. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars rvmagnum says:

    A year and 2 months later is not a come back , even if it was the same injector.

  92. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Timothy says:

    Holy 💩 it looks really foggy out there

  93. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HunterShows says:

    Check back soon for videos on injector 3, and then a couple months later, injector 2!

  94. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MJM’s Workshop says:

    The customer may not always know what the part is or does but they know if they paid for it before.

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