So I've been accused of exaggerating on how quickly these Chevrolets rust everybody thinks I hate them I don't hate them I Just State The facts here: we are 11y old New York Truck 11 years old. Here we go. Where we start out: Start out with a giant hole in the frame. You know she's cracked all the way around.

It's junk. Come over here, Huh? You want to go ahead and touch that gas line, huh? I Dare you don't do it and uh, you know you come back. Start looking at the rear rear cross members. Everything's pretty crusty.

I Mean this stuff just crumbles in your fingers folks. you can just poke your coted old thumb right up through there. These things are junk. This thing came in not running classic suspension control module did the network bypass compressor Mia Anyways, but uh yeah, just because you guys, uh, think I hate Chevrolets I Know these are actually going to put my kids through college matter of fact I Love these things.

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